This psychologist is often called "the Father of Constructivism".
Who is Jean Piaget?
It is commonly accepted that there are this number of aspects of Digital Citizenship.
What is Nine?
This instructional technique involves pausing after asking a question.
What is Wait Time?
'Phonological', 'syntactic', 'semantic' and 'pragmatic' are the four systems of this type.
What is Language?
This type of assessment monitors student learning with the intention of providing ongoing feedback that can be used to improve both teaching and learning.
Who is Lev Vygotsky?
A student of constructivist theory, this educator furthered the thinking into a branch of theory called 'constructionism'.
Who is Seymour Papert?
"I do, We do, You do" is an example of this type of educational infrastructure.
What is scaffolding?
Reading, writing, listening, speaking, viewing, and visual representation are known as the six of this monikor.
What are the Language Arts?
This type of assessment evaluates student learning at the end of an instructional unit by comparing it against some standard or benchmark.
What is Summative Assessment?
Ideas of Positive and Negative Reinforcement (often called Operant Conditioning) were proposed by this theorist.
Who is BF Skinner?
'Decomposition', 'pattern recognition', 'abstraction', and 'algorithms' are considered to be the four stages of this type of thinking.
What is Computational?
'Official', 'Operational', 'Hidden' and 'Null' are considered the four aspects of this term.
What is Curriculum?
Traditionally conducted in a classroom setting for students, these conversations can be performed outside a school setting to just about anyone to convince someone to read a book.
What are Booktalks?
This type of measure evaluates individual students’ learning and performance. Although sometimes treated the end-goal of learning, they are not always reliable and may incorporate criteria such as attendance, participation, and effort, that are not direct measures of learning.
What are grades?
Harvard psychologist Howard Gardner proposed ideas around multiple types of these.
What are Intelligences?
This acronym encompasses 'Pedagogical Knowledge', 'Content Knowledge' and 'Technological Knowledge'.
What is TPACK?
This term refers to statements of the specific knowledge, practical skills, areas of development, attitudes, or higher-order thinking skills that students are expected to develop, learn, or master by the end of their learning.
What are Learning Outcomes?
This term refers to the varied multimodal forms of linguistic expression and representation that exists in our classrooms. It honours multiple ways of knowing and representing knowledge.
What is Multiliteracies?
This type of metric is a scoring tool that explicitly represents the performance expectations for an assignment or piece of work, often divided into a table format.
The relevance of tests measuring these two types of quotients continue to be met with contention in the fields of education and psychology.
What are intelligence and emotional?
This act recognizes that certain uses of copyright-protected works are beneficial for society and therefore limits and excepts those rights for the purposes of, for example, parody and education.
What is Fair Dealing?
'Economic Imperative', 'Personal Fulfillment' and 'Social Justice' are considered three of these common purposes.
What are Functions of Education?
Sometimes still referred to as ESL or ELL, this more inclusive term bipasses 'English' as a centrepoint to recognize other languages and backgrounds in our learners.
What is Cultural and Linguistic Diversity?
This means of gathering information about student learning is integrated directly into the teaching-learning process and does not require externalized measures.
What is Embedded Assessment?