100: True or False – Bribing children with desserts is a good way to get them to eat vegetables.
(A: False)
100: At age 2, the brain is ____% of its adult weight; by age 6, it is ____%.
(A: 75%; 95%)
100: Gross motor skills involve _______ while fine motor skills involve _______.
(A: Large muscles; manipulative skills.)
100: True or False – Sleep is just as important as food and water.
(A: True.)
100: What mineral and dental treatment help prevent cavities?
(A: Fluoride and sealants.)
200: What is one way to establish healthy eating habits?
(A: Provide balanced meals and avoid power struggles over food.)
200: Which part of the brain links the left and right hemispheres?
(A: Corpus callosum.)
200: Example of an activity that develops fine motor skills?
(A: Using scissors, drawing, or beading.)
200: How many hours of sleep does a preschooler need per night?
(A: 10-11 hours.)
200: Name one safety rule for preventing injuries in early childhood.
(A: Use car seats, fence off pools, install smoke alarms.)
300: What nutrient should be limited in young children's diets because it interferes with iron absorption?
(A: Calcium from milk.)
300: What developmental change helps children improve emotional regulation?
(A: Growth in the prefrontal cortex.)
300: At what age can most children stand on one foot for 10 seconds and do a somersault?
(A: Age 5.)
300: What is one way caregivers can help prevent childhood obesity?
(A: Encourage physical activity and healthy eating.)
300: What are the three leading causes of child injury?
(A: Falls, drowning, poisoning.)
400: Recommended daily calorie intake for children ages 4-8?
(A: 1,200 - 2,000 calories.)
400: What is the function of myelination?
(A: Speeds up neural communication and improves coordination.)
400: What kind of play activity strengthens gross motor skills?
(A: Running, jumping, climbing, or dancing.)
400: What are two risks of childhood obesity?
(A: High blood pressure, diabetes, joint problems, psychological issues.)
400: What are two signs that a child is ready for toilet training?
(A: Can pull pants up/down, stays dry for 2+ hours.)
500: What should a preschool-aged child eat for breakfast per USDA guidelines?
(A: ¾ cup milk, ½ cup fruit/vegetables, ½ ounce grains.)
500: True or False – The right hemisphere of the brain supports spatial skills like recognizing shapes.
(A: True.)
500: Name two fine motor skills a child develops by age 4.
(A: Uses scissors, draws a person with 2-4 body parts.)
500: Name one symptom of sleepwalking and why it’s dangerous.
(A: Walking while asleep with a blank stare; it can cause injury.)
500: What is one way caregivers can reduce the risk of food allergies?
(A: Be aware of allergies, educate others, and have an emergency plan.)