Test Taking Info
Test Strategies and Time
If 2x+4=8, then what is the value of 6x+4? a) 2 b) 8 c) 16 d)20 e) 24
The answer is C, 16. X=2, therefore 6x+4=16.

Which grades will take the PSAT and what days?

All 9th and 10th grade students will take the PSAT on Thursday and Friday, this week. 


Enrique did not take Marisol seriously when she told him she was going to bed to sleep for a week; she was prone to _____________? a) earnestness b)belligerence c)simile d) hyperbole e)understatement

The answer is D, hyberbole. Hyberbole is an extravagant exaggeration, often not intended to be taken literally.


Find the error in the sentence:  

"Sponsors of the Olympic Games who bought advertising time on U.S. television includes at least a dozen international firms whose names are familiar to American consumers".

A) who bought B) includes C) at least D) whose E) no error

The answer is B, "includes" should be "include".


What item should you NOT bring with you to take the PSAT?

A) your student ID for identification B) pencils with erasers to mark your answers C) your cell phone for a calculator and to keep track of time D) you should bring all of the above items for the PSAT.

The answer is C. You cannot use a cell phone during the test so bring a calculator. The teacher will keep track of the time during the test for you. You should bring your student ID and two #2 pencils with erasers.


If today is Sunday, what day will it be 50 days from today? a) Sunday b) Monday c) Tuesday d) Wednesday e) Thursday

The answer is B, Monday. Since there are 7 days in a week, 49 days from now would be 7 weeks (another Sunday) + 1 day for 50 days from now= Monday.


How do you know what room you will be in for the PSAT? 

Papers will be posted near the cafeteria listing all names and room assignments. (Also will accept Google Classroom & Asgard) 


Although some think the terms "bug" and "insect" are _______ , the former term actually refers to _______ group of insects. 

Choose two words for the blanks: (A) parallel . . an identical (B) precise . . an exact (C) interchangeable . . a particular (D) exclusive . . a separate (E) useful . . a useless

The answer is C, interchangeable..a particular.


Find the error in the sentence:  

"If one is interested in learning even more about Zora Neale Hurston, you should read Robert Hemenway's biography".

A) is interested B) in learning C) even more D) you should E) no error

The answer is D, "you" should be "one". 


Should you guess the answers on the PSAT?

A) Yes, because wrong answers don't count against you. B) Yes, because you have to answer all the questions to get a score. C) Yes, but only if you can eliminate one or more of the choices as definitely wrong. D) No, because wrong answers count against you. E) Both A and C

The answer is E, both A and C. Wrong answers do not count against you and educated guessing may help you get a correct answer.


If m and p are positive integers and (m + p) x m is even, which of the following must be true? 

(A) If m is odd, then p is odd. (B) If m is odd, then p is even. (C) If m is even, then p is even. (D) If m is even, then p is odd. (E) m must be even.

The answer is A. If m is even, then the expression (m + p) x m will always be even and it cannot be determined whether p is even or odd. 


What two parts or subject areas are on the PSAT?

The PSAT consists of —Evidence-Based Reading & Writing and Math 


"One of the most common types of mistakes that inexperienced physicians make is misreading symptoms, another that occurs about as frequently is recommending inappropriate treatment". 

Choose the correction: 

(A) symptoms, another that occurs (B) symptoms; another one that occurs (C) symptoms, the other, and it occurs (D) symptoms; another one which is occurring (E) symptoms and also occurring

The answer is B. This sentence illustrates a comma splice, the incorrect use of a comma to connect two complete sentences.


Find the error in the sentence: 

"In the early twentieth century, new thinking about symbolism and the unconscious were greatly inspired by the writings of Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung".

A) about B) were C) by D) writings of E) no error

The answer is B, "were" should be "was". 


Here are some general hints for answering Sentence Completion questions. Which one is NOT correct.

A) Read the entire sentence to yourself. B) Watch for introductory or connecting words and phrases like "but," "not," "because," etc. C) In sentences with two blanks, only one answer has to make sense in the sentence. D) Start by working with one blank at a time. E) Stay within the meaning of the sentence. F) Before you mark your answer, read the complete sentence with your choice filled in.

The answer is C. In sentences with two blanks, make sure the words for both blanks make sense in the sentence.


If n is an odd integer, which of the following must be an odd integer? 

(A) n - 1 (B) n + 1 (C) 2n (D) 3n + 1 (E) 4n + 1

The answer is E, 4n+1. 


What time do you need to be at the school for PSAT? 

PSAT will begin at 8:00 am (be here by 7:45 am). 


"Looking at the context of the editorial, the words "abrupt" and "blitz" are meant to place the redevelopment program in an unfavorable light". 

Choose the correction: 

(A) Looking at the context of the editorial (B) In the context of the editorial (C) When the editorial's context is looked at (D) Considering its context (E) Examining the editorial's context

The answer is B. The problem with this sentence is that there is no noun that the underlined phrase modifies.


Find the error in the sentence: 

"Pine, like other softwoods that ignite quickly, are useful as kindling".

A) other B) quickly C) are D) as E) no error

The answer is C, "are" should be "is". 


What is the total time allotted for the two Reading & Writing sections of the PSAT?

A) 64 minutes, 32 minutes per section B) 25 minutes because there is only one Reading & Writing section C) 40 minutes, 20 minutes per section D) 60 minutes, 30 minutes per section

The answer is A. There are two sections of Reading & Writing lasting 32 minutes each for a total of 64 minutes. 


If a and b are integers greater than 100 such that a + b = 300, which of the following could be the exact ratio of a to b ? 

(A) 9 to 1 (B) 5 to 2 (C) 5 to 3 (D) 4 to 1 (E) 3 to 2

The answer is E, 3 to 2. 


Read the passage and answer the question: 

 (1) Advertisements are present wherever we go. (2) They enter our houses in newspapers, magazines, and on our television screens. (3) Television advertisements are used not only to sell products but, more importantly, to sell ideas. (4) It is in selling ideas that ads have the most significant impact. (5) They interrupt most television programs every few minutes. (6) Many ads imply that if we buy specific products then we will be happy. (7) An example of this strategy is an ad in which a woman is shown driving her family in a new car. (8) She has a smile on her face, a new car will bring people happiness. 

Question: Sentence 5 would make the most sense if placed after (A) Sentence 1 (B) Sentence 2 (C) Sentence 5 (D) Sentence 6 (E) Sentence 7

The answer is B. This question asks you to recognize that sentence 5 is an expansion of the thought introduced in sentence 2 and properly belongs immediately after that sentence in the paragraph. To place the idea later in the paragraph disrupts the progress of ideas that the writer is developing.


Find the error in the sentence: 

"In many respects Anna Karenina and Emma Bovary are very similar characters, but Bovary has the most spirit and determination".

A)In many respects B) but C) has D) the most spirit E) no error

The answer is D, "the most spirit" should be "more spirit". 


How many minutes are given for the Math sections 

A) 64 minutes, 32 minutes per section B) 25 minutes because there is only one math section C) 70 minutes, 35 minutes per section D) 60 minutes, 30 minutes per section

The answer is C, 70 minutes, 35 minutes per section.