Patient Safety
Fires Safety
What is your hurry Murry?
Zero Suicide

What is the easiest way to help keep our patients safe?

Practicing good hand hygiene


In a code Red, one acronym that is used is R.A.C.E.  What does this stand for?

Rescue, Alarm, Confine, Extinguish or Evacuate


If you hear this code called, it may get hot.  Take a look around and check your spot. 

Code red


One of the first line defenses of de-escalation.  This acronym for QTIP can help you get a different perspective.

What is "quit taking it personally".


What is the very first question that you would need to ask if someone admits to having thoughts of suicide.

Actual Location


If you see something that looks out of sorts you should...

say something.


True or False?  A fire extinguisher can be emptied in about 15 seconds.



When things go awry and call for "back up" goes out, you will hear this code paged overhead. 

Code Gray


More communication takes place ___________ versus verbally


What is the new National three-digit number for the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline



If there is no precaution sign on the door, this is the most appropriate response for anyone walking down a patient hallway who hears a call bell ringing. 

Knock on the door, wash your hands, acknowledge the patient, and if it is not something you can handle, get someone who can. 


What should be taken into consideration when deciding whether or not to use the fire extinguisher.

The size of the fire.  

This code represents and infant or child abduction.  

Code Pink


People often appreciate being talked with versus....

being talked to. 


True or False: If you receive a call and someone says they are thinking of suicide, it is okay to transfer them to someone more qualified if I do not feel well equipped. 

False: Never transfer a call, instead get help from someone close by.  You can waive your HELP sheet, Teams someone, or have your neighbor get someone for you.  Transferring a call can get disconnected, give the impression that we do not have time for them or do not care, or cause a person to have to retell their painful story. 


In high-income countries, it is estimated that one in every ten patients are harmed while receiving this...

hospital care. 


When using a Fire Extinguisher, what acronym would be used and what does it stand for?

P.A.S.S. Pull the pin, aim at the base of the fire, squeeze, and sweep. 


If there were to be a bomb threat this code would be called.

Code Yellow


Often times when people begin to get aggressive, they perceive that this is being diminished.

Power and/or Control


If you encounter someone within the hospital who is thinking of suicide, the best course of action is to...

Walk them to the Emergency Room


This type of report should be created when an unexpected event happens that could harm a patient (regardless of whether it reaches the patient or not).

A verge report


Between 2011-2015, what was the leading cause of fires in Health Care Facilities

Cooking equipment


When there is an active shooter on the premises this code is called

Active Shooter.  (There is no color to this code it is called in plain language)


5 plays of de-escalation are: Introduce yourself, ask the individual their name, thank them for name, actively listen to the content and feelings of the person in crisis, and reflect, paraphrase, and ___________ what they have said. 



True or False: Statistics show that over half of all those who commit suicide were seen in a health care setting within 30 days of taking their own lives.
