Sample divided by sub-groups Example: gender and race
Stratified Sample
Interpreting text by reading in between the lines
Counting occurrences to test research hypotheses
Content Analysis
Occurs when someone feels inferior to the interviewer, causing them to want to give an answer that will please
6-10 people in a group discussion
focus group
Examining text for insight on human behavior
text analysis
conjoint experiment
two different groups are asked similar questions
who you are impacts the answers you get
Responce effect
Deliver survey in person to those who cant read or see or disabled
face to face
picking people to get the answer you want
selection bias
Extracting evidence from original archive records
Archival Research
list from which participants are chosen
Sampling frame
giving an answer that makes you look good
Social desirability
cheaper; more random
inter- university consortium for political science research
U Michigan 1962
new round of people; same question
cross-sectioned survey
occurs when 2 variables seem casual due to an unseen third variable
Hint: 3 things to test for
Eperiments entered poli sci through
class climate
self administered
American National Election studies
U Michigan 1977
Same people/ different questions
Recoverable info on human thoughts and behavior: writing/images
Those around have an effect on the response given
Third party present
Types of questions
open-ended, closed-ended, partially open-ended, scaled
what methods were used in weapons of weak and homestyle?
"soaking and poaking", qualitative data, participant observer