Terms 2
Misc. 2

What do states possess? 

Sovereignty (granting them the right to govern)


How do we define the term politics?

the struggle for decision-making power over a group


What is the Dependent Variable?

It is what you are trying to explain


What does the Index of Economic Freedom measure?

Measures jurisdictions by trade freedom, tax burden, and judicial effectiveness


Define a state?

a form of societal and government organization that maintains a monopoly of violence over a territory


States emerged from a history of what?



Define regime.

Long-term goals of the state in regard to how they choose to balance freedom and equality. 


What is the Independent Variable?

It is the possible explanation for the DV


What does the Fragile State Index measure?

Assess the vulnerability of states to collapse.


What is a separatist movement? Give an example.

When nations of people no longer see their interests as being tied to the existing state, they can form separatist movements. EX: Quebec 


Of the following (State, Government, Regime) which can and does change regularly in many countries? 

Government (Often composed of elected officials, such as a president or prime minister, or unelected officials, such as a monarch. - weekly institutionalized) 


Define autonomy.

The extent to which governments are able to operate independently of their people characterizes their level of autonomy. 


What is the difference between communism and liberalism?

A community state (in theory) favors more equality than freedom (EX: think of the Soviet Union, Cuba, North Korea). 

Whereas liberal states favor freedom over equality (EX: think of the U.S., UK). 


Is the variable a better explanation or measure of the DV?

DV: Economic Freedom - Is Tax Burden a better Measure or Explanation of the DV?



To avoid separatist movements, states often work hard to avoid it by promoting the adoption of a shared sense of (national identity or ethnic identity). 

National Identity 


With legitimacy, states can govern through both (consent and coercion), which of the two can be unsustainable, creating problems in the long run? 



What is capacity?

Capacity is the state's ability to wield power to carry out the basic tasks of providing security and reconciling freedom and equality. 

States need a relatively high capacity to take on a larger role in the redistribution of resources.


What is the difference between traditional and secular-rational societies?

In traditional societies, deference to God, family, and fatherland are all very important. 

In secular-rational societies tends to be post-industrial or in the late stages of industrialization, explaining why less importance is placed on the role of family in these societies. 


Based on the Ingelhart-Welzel Cultural Map, which value fits the description best: "If surveys in a country indicate trust in foreigners is high and a government passes legislation to protect the rights of minority groups." 

Self-Expression Values


What is the difference between ethnic identity and nations?

Ethnic identity is a set of shared institutions that bind people together through a common culture, which is not inherently political but can become so. 

Nations are groups of people who share common political aspirations, often the quest for self-government and sovereignty, inherently political. 


What is legitimacy? 

Legitimacy is when something or someone's authority is recognized and accepted as right and proper. 


Define social democracies (Hint: Political Ideologies Figure 3.3 of Chapter 3)

attempt to balance the distribution of freedom and equality for their people, which often means great state intervention in Markets for the purpose of distribution of Public goods. 


Identify the dependent and independent variables. - The higher the spending per prisoner, the lower the chance for recidivism. 

DV: rates of recidivism

IV: spending per prisoner  


Based on the Inglehart-Welzel Cultural Map, which value would suggest that a country tends to be more tolerant of authoritarian government as a means to maximize predictability in an uncertain world? 

Survival value


What is political economy?

The study of how politics and economics are related and how their relationship shapes the balance between freedom and equality