This class discusses influence of social factors on the individual and on interpersonal behavior. Includes topics such as conformity, attitude change, personal perception, interpersonal attraction, and group behavior.
Social Psychology (PSYC221)
Disorder characterized by worry surrounding topics broadly; worry without a specific attributable cause or causes
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
The professor advisor of this organization at UMD, teaches PSYC200 and IO psyc lab/courses.
Dr. Jones
This board member is responsible for managing our social media page and creating informative and aesthetic graphics
VP of Marketing
Research focus: conduct adolescent social anxiety and family research to understand adolescent social anxiety and parent-adolescent relationships.
The Comprehensive Assessment and Intervention Program (CAIP) - PI: Dr. Andres De Los Reyes
This course explores the causes, correlates, and consequences of racial prejudice in the United States and other national contexts.
Psychology of Racism (PSYC232)
Disorder characterized by episodes of depression and mania
Bipolar Type 1
Director of undergraduate studies in psychology, teaches courses including multicultural psychology, counseling psychology, psychology of women, and counseling skills.
Dr. Salahuddin
This member of the board is responsible for managing emails and slack messages to keep club members informed of upcoming events.
VP of Communication
Research focus(es): Evaluating and researching behavioral interventions addressing substance use and medical and psychiatric co-morbidity in the US and sub-Saharan Africa.
Global Mental Health and Addiction Program (GMAP) - PI: Dr. Jessica Magidson
This course introduces theories and research related to the dynamics and effects of intimate partner violence on women and children. Students learn about community resources and interventions for survivors of domestic violence and engage with literature surrounding the topic. This course is the first part in a two-part series, the second part allowing students to apply what they have learned directly through community service.
Community Interventions: Domestic Violence I (PSYC381)
A disorder characterized by fear, anxiety, and sadness among other feelings/emotions felt by those who have experienced or witnessed a traumatic event, series of events, or set of circumstances
PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
Associate chair for undergraduate studies in psychology, and teaches courses and conducts research focused on relationship and domestic violence and women.
Dr. O'Brien
This board member helps Psi Chi members get involved in and give back to the community to provide support and empowerment
VP of Community Service
Research focus(es): Investigates how environments shape the development of health and well-being through social and neurobiological mechanisms.
This class discusses organizational entry (recruitment, selection, training, socialization); organizational psychology (motivation, leadership, job attitudes); productivity in the workplace (performance appraisal, absenteeism, turnover), and the role that the larger environment plays in influencing work behaviors and work attitudes.
Survey of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (PSYC361)
A disorder characterized by the presence of two or more separate personalities that control one's behavior at different times, gaps in memory, and the separation of these identities is usually attributable to trauma.
Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)
Her courses and research focus on the impacts of environmental factors on psychological development, developmental psychology, resilience, and risk-taking.
Dr. Gard
This board member is responsible for coordinating and managing funds for Psi Chi
VP of Finance
Research focus(es): To improve the lives of young people; conduct research related to mood and anxiety problems in children and adolescents, increase the ability for professionals and families to identify youth who are experiencing emotional problems or are at risk for developing mood disorders as early as possible; increase understanding of the multiple and complex causes of mood problems across development; and develop new ways of assessing, preventing, and intervening in youth mood problems to alter developmental trajectories.
Big Emotions Across Development (BEAD) Lab - PI: Dr. Lea Dougherty
This class discusses topics such as risk, perseverance, resiliency, and adaptation across a person's life span, cognitive and behavioral components of these topics, and environmental and social contributors.
Advanced Special Topics in Psychology: Risk and Resilience Across Development (PSYC489Y)
A behavioral disorder characterized by uncooperative, rebellious, defiant, and hostile behaviors and attitudes toward peers, parents, teachers, and/or other authority figures. Behaviors may be learned or developmental in origin.
Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)
She is originally from Spain, teaches courses on neuroscience and behavioral pharmacology, and her research focuses on analyzing neuroscience techniques such as fMRI and electroencephalography.
Dr. Navarro-Cebrian
This board member oversees the group, serves as an advisor, and helps to manage the club and handle administrative tasks from a distance
Advisor - Dr. Jones
Research focus(es): conducts NIH-funded research on the psychological, social, and cultural determinants of suicide, substance use, and other health outcomes for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) individuals and Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC). Also focus on identifying factors and interventions that promote resilience among LGBTQ and BIPOC adolescents and young adults. We leverage multiple methodologies, including experimental laboratory and experience sampling methods as well as qualitative methods.
The Lavender Lab - PI: Dr. Ethan Mereish