This lobe of the brain is primarily responsible for processing visual information.
What is... the occipital lobe
The person behind Psychoanalysis
Who is... Freud
A medicine with no effects
What is... Placebo
This disorder is characterized by intrusive thoughts and repetitive behaviors performed to reduce anxiety.
What is... OCD
In operant conditioning, this term describes increasing a behavior by removing an unpleasant stimulus.
What is... negative reinforcement
This part of the limbic system is crucial for processing emotions, especially fear.
What is... the amygdala
The psychologist behind the Behaviorist Theory
Who is... Pavlov
Inkblot test has another name
What is... Rorschach Test
The "split mind" disorder, characterized by delusions and hallucinations, is known as this.
What is... schizophrenia
Cannon researched this response to stress
What is... Fight or Flight
This lobe of the brain is responsible for higher-order thinking, decision-making, and personality.
What is... the frontal lobe
The name of the 9-month-old baby that John B. Watson classically conditioned fear into.
What is... Albert
The kind of humor indicating a healthy brain
What is... sarcasm
This type of therapy focuses on identifying and changing negative thought patterns and behaviors to improve mental health.
What is... Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
The part of the mind that Psychodynamic Theory helps people look at
What is... Subconscious mind
This small structure in the brain plays a crucial role in regulating hunger, thirst, and body temperature.
What is... Hypothalamus
The person behind the hierarchy of needs
Who is... Maslow
This manual is used by psychologists to diagnose mental disorders (We are looking for the entire name, not the acronym).
What is... the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
The acronym for the psychological disorder characterized by excessive and persistent worry and anxiety
What is... GAD
The number of stages in Erik Erikson's psychosocial development
What is... 8
This bundle of nerve fibers connects the left and right hemispheres of the brain, allowing them to communicate.
What is... Corpus Callosum
This Swiss psychologist developed a theory of cognitive development in children, outlining four key stages.
Who is... Jean Piaget
The birth of modern psychology happen in this century
What is... 18th
The inability to create new long-term memories after brain damage is called this.
What is... anterograde amnesia
This classic experiment by Solomon Asch demonstrated the power of this social influence.
What is conformity