I got all the maladaptive skills
You down with DBT, ya you know me!
I didn't know they were Sober
Even more AA Slogans
Recovery Potpourri
The Big Book
I Don't Have A Problem
Don't Be That Guy
We put the Fun back in Dysfunctional Family

This type of maladaptive coping skill allows you to temporarily escape reality and completely obliterate feelings. It is also the reason you are here playing this Jeopardy.

What is Substance Abuse?


The intersection between the emotional mind, and the reasonable mind, create this third state of mind.

What is the wise mind? 


Despite his drug and alcohol related music, this American rapper from Detroit talks openly about his prescription pill addiction, and his bottom culminating with a methadone overdose in 2007. He’s been sober since 2009, has gotten healthy, and has learned how to live life without abusing substances.

Eminem, Marshal Mathers, the Real Slim Shady


Despite being one of the more commonly repeated AA slogans, this one might confuse you at first. We can stop drinking and doing drugs. But if we continue living essentially the same lifestyle, we can’t expect to make much progress as human beings. Like many AA slogans, this refers to how we work the principles of the program.

What is Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes?


The acronym HALT stands for this. Which helps in identifying where uncomfortable emotions might be arising from. 

What is Hungry, Angry, Lonely, and Tired.


This is the number of stages there are in the cycle of relapse.

What are Three?


This has been described in the AA big book as the number one offender that destroys more alcoholics and addicts than anything else.

What is Resentments?


When your friends, family, co-workers, loved ones tell you, have a problem with alcohol or drugs and your response is, "Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion man." This is using what kind of defense mechanism to avoid reality.  

What is Denial?


That guy in group doing this, which is trying to smooth over the painful or negative emotions that someone else in group is experiencing. To help on the contrary, is to help someone resolve the painful feelings by experiencing them fully and working through them.

What is Rescuing?


This family role uses humor and goofiness to distract from serious issues. They may feel immense pressure to step in when situations become tense and volatile. When they diffuse the situation successfully, this reinforces the pressure on them to continue to distract the family from their issues.

What is the Mascot?


This coping skill allows us to shut down feelings to provide relief from stress and anxiety.

What is Emotional Numbing?


This DBT skill is about being aware of and accepting what’s happening in the present moment. This can help you learn to notice and accept your thoughts and feelings without judgment. 

What is Mindfulness?


This actor is mostly known for his role as Harry Potter, He got sober in 2012. 

Who is Daniel Radcliffe?


This slogan helps to remind us that these two things are not the same thing and it's best not to confuse them but to understand their differences. 

Spirituality Vs. Religion


This step comes after realizing we have a problem that we are unable to solve ourselves. It brings us to a point where we need to find something outside of ourselves that will help us to get sober.

What is Step 2?


This first stage of relapse before someone in recovery even wants to use/drink again. They can remember their consequences of the last use but the behaviors are telling a different story.

What is Emotional relapse?


Will Mcavoy stated, " The first step in solving any problem is recognizing there is one.” This quote summarizes which of the 12 steps. 


What is Step 1. We admitted we were powerless over alcohol – that our lives had become unmanageable.


Placement of a person’s undesired thoughts, feelings or impulses onto another person who does not have those thoughts, feelings or impulses. 

Hint: It is not Transference

What is Projection?


 This guy sees himself as oppressed, powerless, helpless, hopeless, dejected, and ashamed, and come across as “super-sensitive,” wanting kid-glove treatment from others. He can deny any responsibility for their negative circumstances and deny possession of the power to change those circumstances.

What is being the victim?


This family role attempts to blend into the background as much as possible to keep themselves safe and to avoid rocking the (sinking) boat. They may feel ignored, neglected, and scared to draw attention to themselves, especially in abusive households.

What is the lost child?


Many of us turn to this coping mechanism for comfort, stress relief, or to reward ourselves. Negative emotions may lead to a feeling of emptiness or an emotional void. By doing this allows a way to fill that void and create a false feeling of “fullness” or temporary wholeness.  

Hint: Ben and Jerry's 

What is Emotional Eating?


This skill in DBT helps you to get through rough patches without turning to potentially destructive coping techniques. Such as:

distract yourself until you’re calm enough to deal with the situation or emotion

Self-soothe by relaxing and using your senses to feel more at peace

What is distress tolerance?


This "Home Improvement" alum revealed on The Kelly Clarkson Show in March 2020 that he has been free of drugs and alcohol “for about 22 years.” He said, “It doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a day-to-day thing. You gotta reprise every day.” 

Who is Tim Allen?


This slogan means that we can tell people that we aren’t drinking or doing drugs. They may not smell it on us or catch us in the act. But if they see us living the same life that we lived in addiction, why should they believe us unless we do the work. 

What is Faith Without Works is Dead?


This prayer helps us to remember what we have control over and what we don't. 

What is the Serenity Prayer?


This stage of relapse is often a time of internal struggle for a person in recovery. They start to have internal struggles like a tug of war where they may start to romanticize about using and minimize the consequences of their last use.

What is Mental Relapse?


In the Big Book it says that this the root of our troubles?

What is self-centeredness and selfishness?


Putting something into a different light or offering a different explanation for one’s perceptions or behaviors in the face of a changing reality. Making excuses for a certain behavior.

What is Rationalization?


This guy, instead of being vulnerable and taking responsibility for his emotions or actions, criticizes and blames others, can be controlling, rigid, authoritative, angry, and unpleasant.

What is persecutor?


This family role appears to be a high functioning, well-balanced individual who the family can point to as a solid example that backs up the family's facade of doing well. They allow the family to continue perpetuating the notion that everything is fine, despite there being some serious issues going on within individuals, as well as the entire family system.

Who is the Hero?


By doing this skill, you focus on others and fixing their problems as a way of avoiding your own.

What is Care Taking or Rescuing?


This skill can help you be clear about how you feel and what you want. This skill combines listening skills, social skills, and assertiveness training to help you learn how to change situations while remaining true to your values. 

What is Interpersonal Effectiveness?


"Dog Days are Over," and "You've Got The Love," are some of the hits from this band whose named after the lead singer whose been sober for 8 years. 

Who is Florence and The Machine?


This slogan helps to remind us that we must remember that the Twelve Steps go in numerical order for a reason. If we try to get too far ahead of ourselves, we may wind up stressing ourselves out while making very little progress.

Open a cocoon before the caterpillar’s transformation is complete, and you will never see a butterfly. Respect the process of change, and prioritize accordingly.

What is First Things First? 


This neurotransmitter is the pleasure chemical in our brains that plays a major role in substance abuse and addiction.

What is Dopamine?


This stage of relapse occurs when the individual has a return of the strong cravings and consumes the substance and breaks their sobriety.

What is Physical Relapse?



What is Honesty?


This psychological defense mechanism unconsciously blocks unacceptable thoughts, feelings and impulses.

What is Repression?


Often this guy will do this to individuals in the group as an attempt to connect with others without having to risk being vulnerable. They come off as know it alls and it is usually not received well.

What is advice-giving?


This family role attempts to keep everyone within the family happy, even if it means denying the real issues at hand. Both children and adults can play this role, which ultimately denies the experience of dealing with the central issue.

Who is the Enabler?


This can lead to the conscious or unconscious avoidance of difficult issues or tasks that require completion.

What is Procrastination?


This skill helps you learn to deal with primary emotional reactions before they lead to a chain of distressing secondary reactions. For example, a primary emotion of anger might lead to guilt, worthlessness, shame, and even depression. 

What is Emotion Regulation?


This Scottish - American actor has been sober for almost 20 years.  He is known for his roles in Trainspotting, Moulin Rouge, and Star Wars. 

Who is Ewan McGregor?


Some find this contentious, taking issue with the idea that this label somehow replaces their personal identity. But it is important to remember that this label does not define us, They only define one aspect of our being. By identifying yourself within the group helps build a sense of unity. We are all different, but these words remind us that we still have something in common. Simply consider it a reminder that you are not alone.

What is I am an Alcoholic/Addict?


Studies show that getting on this device and attend aftercare increases the chance of continued sobriety after completing treatment. Also, all the cool kids are doing it.

What is Soberlink?


The research shows that these two factors alone, increase and individuals' likelihood for continued sobriety one year after treatment by 64% for non-healthcare professionals, and 84% for health care professionals.

What is continuous monitoring and commitment to aftercare?


In the Big Book on Page 417, it says that this is the answer to all my problems today.

Acceptance is the answer to ALL of my problems today. When I am disturbed, it is because I find some person, place, thing or situation- some fact of my life- unacceptable to me, and I can find no serenity until I accept that person, place, thing, or situation as being exactly the way it is supposed to be at this moment. Nothing, absolutely nothing, happens in God's world by mistake. Until I could accept my alcoholism, I could not stay sober; unless I accept my life completely on life's terms, I cannot be happy. I need to concentrate not so much on what needs to be changed in the world as on what needs to be changed in me and in my attitudes.


The redirecting of thoughts feelings and impulses directed at one person or object, but taken out upon another person or object. Example: You're mad at your boss, but yell at your spouse.

What is displacement?


This guy will stay silent throughout the group and is afraid of risking opening up out of fear of being rejected or not accepted. They are unable to grow as a result of this.

What is Withdrawing or Avoiding?


This family role cast aside and blamed for problems that may very well have nothing to do with them. Children who are placed in this role are often very aware of their role in the family and may feel rejected, unlovable, and isolated.

Who is the Scapegoat?