Sport & Society
Motor Development

What is the difference between professional and amateur athletes? 



What makes up the axial skeleton?

Made up of the skull, sternum, ribs, and vertebral column


What is ATP?

adenosine triphosphate, the common energy molecule for cellular processes, the captured chemical energy from the breakdown of foods


Internal vs. External Forces

Internal: forces that arise within the human body (ex. contraction of a muscle generates a force moving a bone)

External: forces that originate outside the object or body (ex. gravity, wind, friction)


What are the 4 key components of development?

physical: muscles, bones, energy systems, nervous system
cognitive: ability to process information, self-awareness
social: development of relationships, peers, relatives, co-workers, etc.
emotional: ability to manage and regulate emotions


What is the difference between violence vs aggression? 

•Violence - intentional use of physical force to hurt or injure a person or damage property

•Aggression - Attacking or threatening a person without being provoked 


Describe Anatomical Position 

-standing erect, facing forward, legs straight, palms forward, arms hanging at the sides, toes feet heels parallel to each other
-the starting point for describing the human body
- universally accepted
-used in all anatomical descriptions and reference for movements


Describe slow twitch muscle fibres.

red/dark in colour, low levels of glycolytic enzymes, high in myoglobin, for long distance activities


Newton's 1st Law of Motion:

the law of inertia: a body in motion tends to stay in motion, and a body at rest tends to stay at rest, unless acted upon by an external force


What are the 4 stages of growth?

infancy, childhood, puberty/adolescence, adulthood


What is the Olympic Truce?

the Olympic truce was announced before and during the Olympic Games to ensure the host city state was not attacked and athletes and spectators could travel safely to the Games and peacefully return to their respective countries


What are the 3 basic types of muscle?

1) skeletal
2) smooth
3) cardiac


What is pulmonary circulation?

circulation of deoxygenated blood from the lungs to the rest of the body (right side of the heart)


What is Newton's 2nd Law of Motion?

the law of acceleration: F=ma

part 1: the effect of magnitude of the applied force (ex. if a large force is applied to a ball, it will experience a large change in the rate at which it is moving)

part 2: the mass of the object being hit (ex. if a baseball and a basketball are hit at the same force, the baseball will have a faster acceleration due to it's smaller mass)


What are the 5 factors affecting physical development & examples?

1. glandular and hormonal activity (endocrine system and pituitary gland)

2. heredity (height, muscularity, etc)

3. nutrition (overeating - obesity, type 2 diabetes, or inadequate eating - reduced growth)

4. physical activity (limiting sedentary activity)

5. sociocultural factors (morals, values, customs, etc)


List 4 unethical behaviours we see in sport



Gender/Race Discrimination



A Somersault would be in which plane around which axis?

Sagittal plane, (Horizontal) Frontal Axis


What are the functions of the cardiovascular system?

- delivery of oxygen, fuel, nutrients
- removal of CO2 and waste products from the body
- maintenance of a constant body temperature
- prevention of infection


What is Newton's 3rd Law of Motion?

the law of action-reaction: for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction


KR vs KP Feedback + 1 examples for each 

  1. Knowledge of results (KR): this feedback type is related to the outcome. 

  2. Knowledge of performance (KP): this feedback type is related to the quality of the movement, mechanics or process that produced the outcome. 


Who has received the largest endorsement deal in recorded history? Who was it with? 

Michael Jordan - Nike (1.3 Bil)


Name 3 movements of the body (leg adduction, elbow flexion, etc.); What is the antagonistic pair that is creating this movement? Which muscle group is the agonist? 

Answers will vary


What are the functions of the respiratory system?

supply oxygen to the blood, remove carbon dioxide from the blood, regulate blood pH


List the names of all 7 biomechanical principles:

P1: Stability

P2: The Production of Maximum Force

P3: The Production of Maximum Velocity

P4: The Impulse-Momentum Relationship

P5: The Direction of Application of Applied Force

P6: Production of Angular Motion (torque)

P7: The Conservation of Angular Momentum


What are the 3 stages of motor learning? Plus a brief  description of each stage:

Cognitive - basic understanding of task, large errors are committed, talks self through skill, slow and deliberate movements

Associative - individual skill elements come together in sub-units, starts to develop as a smoother movement, aware of mistakes, more consistent effort

Autonomous - actions require little or no thought, aware of mistakes and how to correct them, able to think of other things while completing the skill, movement is fast and smooth