Clinical Manifestations
Impact on the body.
Head to toe assessment

This condition is T-cell mediated, Which primarily affects the skin, causing redness, itching and silver scaly patches (Captiotti, 2020).

What is Psoriasis?


These are the most common sites on the body where psoriasis can be found (Capriotti, 2020)

What are elbows, knees, trunk, and scalp?


Individuals with psoriasis are at an increased for this, due to the lesions and open skin which allows foreign invaders and pathogens to enter the body. (Lippincot, 2024)

What are Secondary infections?


This assessment focuses on the patient's level of comfort and suffering from their condition.

What is pain assessment?


These factors often cause triggers in flare-ups of psoriasis (name three (National Psoriasis Foundation, 2021)

What is cold weather, stress, injury or illness?


Psoriasis is classified as this type of disorder, where the body's immune system attacks itself and the healthy tissue (Capriotti, 2020).

What is Autoimmune disorder


This is the most common type of Psoriasis developed in patients. (National Psoriasis Foundation, 2021)

What is Plaque Psoriasis ?


Having psoriasis increases an individual's risk for these diseases that involves the blood vessels and heart (Lippincott, 2024).

Cardiovascular diseases


This assessment is the major focus when performing a head-to-toe for a client with a history of psoriasis. (Capriotti, 2020)

What is Skin Assessment?


This is a specialist that focuses on the skin and patients may be referred to if they are diagnosed with psoriasis.

What is a Dermatologist?


Normally skin cells have a turnover of 28 days, but with psoriasis the skin has a turnover of __ days (Lippincott, 2024).

What is 4 days?


This type of Psoriasis is most common under folding of the skin.  (National Psoriasis Foundation, 2021)

What is Inverse Psoriasis?


The length for the treatment process for psoriasis.

What is lifelong?


This type of Psoriasis affects the palms of hands and the soles of feet (National Psoriasis Foundation, 2021)

What is Pustular Psoriasis?


This aspect of one's health should also be focused on due to potential low-self esteem, distress, and struggling for acceptance. (Lippincott, 2024).

What is Mental Health?


What age range does Psoriasis stop developing? (National Psoriasis Foundation, 2021)

What is no age? (It can appear at any age)


These are the cycles of psoriasis where there can be periods of flare up, and periods of healing (Capriotti, 2020)

What is exacerbation and remission?


Individuals with psoriasis are at increased risk for a deficiency in this essential nutrient (Capriotti, 2020)

What is Folic Acid?


This is another assessment that should be focused on due to the increased risk of Psoriatic Arthritis

What is Musculoskeletal assessment?


This is the amount of the population affected by psoriasis in adults in the US (percent or number) (National psoriasis foundation, 2021)

What is 3% or 7.5 million people?


This sign is used to distinguish psoriasis from other skin conditions, and it is bleeding in the skin after scratching and removing scales (Capriotti, 2020).

What is Auspitz sign?


This type of psoriasis causes yellow pustules, and in severe cases can be life threatening (Aboud et al., 2023)

What is Generalized pustular psoriasis?


This is one of the last choices of treatment for psoriasis where the skin is exposed high-intensity light, such as UV light (Lippincott, 2024).

What is Phototherapy?


Psoriasis often progresses and leads to this condition, which primarily affects the distal joints, and causes inflammation (Capriotti, 2020).

What is Psoriatic Arthritis?


This type of treatment softens scales and relieves Psoriasis itchomg. (Capriotti, 2020).

What are salt baths?