Parts of Speech
Reading Skills
Figurative Language
Story Elements

A word that describes or gives more information about a noun. 


An adjective is a word that describes something or someone by telling us more about it, like saying "big" dog or "happy" person.


Identify the error in this sentence. 

She walk to the store yesterday. 

She walked to the store yesterday. 


The most important part of a story. 

Main Idea 

Think of the main idea of a story as the big point or lesson the author is trying to teach you. It's like the heart of the story that everything else revolves around.


What type of figurative language is being used?

I told you a million times to clean you room!

Hyperbole, Simile, Metaphor, Personification, Idiom


A hyperbole is an exaggerated statement used to make a point or add excitement. 


The perspective from which the story is told. 

Point of View 

First Person - The narrator talks about themselves using the words I, me, my, we, out, us, or mine. 

Second Person - The narrator talks to the reader directly using the words you, your, or yourself. 

Third Person - The narrator talks about other people using words he, she, it, they, or their. 


A word that expresses an action or a state of being. 


A verb is a word that shows action (like "run" or "jump"), or it describes a state of being (like "is" or "was"). It's what you do or what happens.


Identify the error in this sentence. 

He said, "I will be their tomorrow." 

He said, "I will be there tomorrow." 


Using what you already know and evidence from the text to read in between the lines and figure out what the author is saying. 


An inference is like making an educated guess based on clues or hints rather than knowing something for sure. It's like connecting the dots to figure out what's likely happening or what something means.


What type of figurative language is being used?

That television costs an arm and a leg

Alliteration, Onomatopoeia, Idiom, Personification, Simile


An idiom is a phrase that holds a different meaning than its literal meaning. 


The sequence of events that make up a story also known as the beginning, middle, and end of the story.


The plot of a story is just what happens in the story from start to finish. It includes all the events and actions that move the story along, from the beginning to the end.


A word that replaces a noun to avoid repetition and can refer to a person, place, thing, or idea.


A pronoun is a word that stands in for a noun, like using "he" instead of saying someone's name over and over again in a sentence.


Identify the error in this sentence. 

The cat jumped into its owners lap. 

The cat jumped into its owner's lap. 


These hints within a text help readers understand the meaning of unfamiliar words or phrases.

Context Clues

Context clues are like little clues in a sentence or paragraph that help you figure out what a word means, even if you don't know it. They're like hints that give you a better idea of what's going on.


What type of figurative language is being used?

His smile was as bright as the sun.

Metaphor, Alliteration, Hyperbole, Simile, Idiom


A simile compares two different things using like or as. 


The problem in a story. 


The conflict of a story is the main problem or challenge that the characters face. It's what keeps the story interesting and makes readers want to find out what happens next.


A word that modifies a verb, adjective, or another adverb usually ending in -ly. 


An adverb is a word that tells us more about how, when, or where something happens. It often ends in "-ly" and adds details to a verb, adjective, or another adverb. For instance, in "She runs quickly," "quickly" describes how she runs.


Identify the error in this sentence. 

Sarah wanted to go to the concert to, but she had to work late.

Sarah wanted to go to the concert too, but she had to work late. 

Too - Also or Excessively

Two - The number between one and three

To - Used for everything else.


This describes a short explanation of the main points of a story or article in your own words.


A summary is a short version of a longer piece of writing that gives you the main points without all the details. It's like a quick snapshot of the most important stuff.


What type of figurative language is being used?

The classroom was a zoo during the group activity.

Personification, Metaphor, Onomatopoeia, Simile, Hyperbole


A metaphor compares two things saying one thing IS another thing. 


The way the characters solve the problem. 


The resolution of a story is where the main conflict or problem is resolved. It's the part of the story where everything comes together and loose ends are tied up.


A word that joins parts of a sentence together. 

Example: and, or, but


A conjunction is a word that joins things together in a sentence. It can connect words, phrases, or even whole sentences, showing how they relate to each other. For example, in "I like coffee and tea," "and" is the conjunction connecting "coffee" and "tea."


Identify the error in this sentence. 

He went to the store but forgot to buy milk.

He went to the store, but forgot to buy milk.


Words that sound the same but are spelled different and have different meanings. 



Pair: A set of two similar things.

Pear: A sweet juicy fruit.


What type of figurative language is being used?

The flowers danced in the gentle breeze.

Idiom, Simile, Hyperbole, Alliteration, Personification


Personification is when human qualities are given to objects or animals. 


The central idea or message of a story. 


Think of the theme as the big idea or main message of a story. It's like the moral or lesson that the author wants you to take away after reading.