Word Study
Text Structure
Figurative Language
Text Based Questions

What is the meaning of the word in italics.

My father encouraged me to try out for the soccer team. 

To inspire or cause to have courage. 


What text structure usually contains the following signal words: alike, but, different?

compare and contrast


Correct the error. 

Land snails move by crawling on the ground with there long, flat foot.

there to their


Identify the type of figurative language?

My computer hates me. 



What POV is the following statement?

It is important that you write your name on the paper.

2nd person POV


What is the meaning of the word in italics.

Because the rain was very unexpected, I did not have an umbrella.  

Not expected; didn't see it coming; didn't know that it would happen.  


What text structure usually contains the following signal words: first, afterwards, finally?

chronological order


Which sentence is a complete sentence?

a.) Just frogs with stubbier bodies and warty dry skin.

b.) Toads are just frogs.

c.) Frogs with stubbier bodies and warty, dry skin.

d.) Stubbier bodies and warty, dry skin.

b.) Toads are just frogs.  


Identify the type of figurative language?

That elephant's ears are as big as a house. 



What POV is the following statement?

I sat on the cold floor waiting for the directions.

1st person POV


Which word functions as the conjunction in the sentence?

Although not naturally found in the wild, goldfish have been occasionally found in ponds, lakes, and streams.  


What text structure usually contains the following signal words: so, then, consequently? 

cause and effect


Read the sentence.  What change should be made to correct the error in the sentence.

Blue whales spend Summers feeding on krill in polar waters.

Change Summers to summers.  


Identify the type of figurative language?

The clouds are balls of cotton.



List the three different types of POV, and three words that would indicate the type of POV.  

1st person POV: I, me, my, we, us.

2nd person POV: You, you've, you'll, you're.

3rd person POV: They, them, he, she, character names. 


Use correlative conjunctions to complete the following sentence.

___ John ___ Thomas wanted to take out the garbage.

Neither John nor Thomas wanted to take out the garbage.  


Identify the text structure for the following passage.

"Whoops-I added too much baking powder to the cupcake mix, Kate!" I confessed to my sister as I stared into the mixing bowl.  "I'm sure it's fine," Kate said hopefully.  I slid the cupcake pan into the oven, set the timer, and sat down.  "Beep!" the timer buzzed from the kitchen.  I bolted up from the couch, rushed over to the oven with my mitt on, and pulled the pan out from the oven.  "Uhh...Kate? This is NOT fine," I said as I showed her the cupcakes (or should I say GINORMOUS cupcakes?). "Oh, I suppose these are the result of adding too much baking powder!" she laughed.  

cause and effect 


Correct the errors in the following sentence.

after reading book of blue whales i learned that whales can here each other up two a 1,000 miles away

After reading Book of Blue Whales, I learned that whales can hear each other up to a 1,000 miles away.


Identify the type of figurative language?

The test was so long, by the time I finished Easter was over. 



What is the following statement?

All golden retrievers make good pets.

Faulty generalization


Tara was DROWSY after staying up late.  Give an antonym for the word in all caps. 

energetic, awake, alert. 


Identify the text structure for the following passage.

After taking the cupcakes out from the oven and being shocked at how huge they were, I hung my head in defeat.  "Kate! Who knew adding too much baking powder would do this?" I cried to my sister.  "Well, maybe they taste better than they look?" she suggested.  I bit into the cupcake and immediately spit it back out into the garbage.  "Gross!" I groaned.  My mom walked into the kitchen with her eyes open wide and said, "Too much baking powder? Next time that happens, just increase the other ingredients in the recipe to match the amount of baking soda you added." 

problem and solution 


Correct the errors in the following sentence.

the combination of choclate and vanilla is a classic when it comes to cup cakes millions of people enjoy eating the different combinations

The combination of chocolate and vanilla is a classic when it comes to cupcakes.  Millions of people enjoy eating the different combinations.


Identify the type of figurative language? 

Slimy centipedes eat slippery snail soup.



What is the following statement?

Some girls like to wear the color pink. 

Valid generalization