Mix it Up

These are things that you can go to SHAC for

What are mental health, physical health, dental health, testing services, etc. (any combination of three accurate answers counts as correct!)


This is where students with disabilities can get support and access accommodations

What is the Disability Resource Center?


One way to find out about campus events

What is the online events calendar? (other answers that are accurate also count as correct!)


The resource center that provides support for queer and trans students

What is the Queer Resource Center?


A place where can students access legal resources

What is the Student Legal Center?


This is the requirement for Freshman to meet with their advisor and the consequence for not meeting that requirement

What is once during their first two terms, and a registration hold being placed on their account?


These are three ways you can get an appointment at SHAC

What are calling in, walking in, and using the online patient portal? [Note that walking in is not a method that should be used during the pandemic]


The place where student veterans and service members can go for support

What is the Veterans Resource Center?


The place where students can go for free relaxation resources

What is the Mind Spa?


This is where students who experience domestic violence or sexual assault can access confidential advocates.

What is the Women's Resource Center?


This is a place where students can learn about volunteering opportunities

What is that Student Activities and Leadership Programs (SALP)?


These are three places where students can get academic support.

What are the Learning Center, the Writing Center, and University Success? (any other accurate answers also count as correct!)


Students taking this many (or more) credit hours must pay the student health fee which means that they can access free medical and mental health appointments at SHAC

What is 5 (or more) credit hours?


These are the 5 existing cultural resource centers at PSU and the 1 cultural resource center initiative

What are the Multicultural Student Center; La Casa Latina Student Center; Native American Student and Community Center; Pacific Islander, Asian, Asian American Student Center; Pan-African Commons; and the Middle East, North Africa, South Asia (MENASA) Initiative?

These are three types of emergency financial support that students can access.

What are the General Student Emergency Fund, emergency funds from specific PSU colleges and schools, and emergency funds from PSU resource centers. [If CARES is stated as one of the three types that answer will count as correct]


These are the four types of transportation that students can get resources for from Transportation and Parking Services

What are transit, biking, parking, and carshare?