We don't need conditioning to have a response to this.
Unconditioned Stimulus
This is our "focus," in other words the things we hold in our conscious awareness.
Selective Attention
If you feel like you wake up straight from a dream, you were most likely in this stage of sleep.
This causes a decreased likelihood a behavior would be repeated.
Food is a good example of this.
Primary Reinforcer
For Pavlov's dogs, salivating while hearing a bell was this.
Conditioned Response
This is when you don't notice something changing, even if it was part of something bigger you were paying attention to.
Change Blindness
If you wake up groggy, you were most likely in this phase of sleep.
Stage 1
Adding a reward or punishment would be this.
This increases the likelihood a behavior would be repeated.
This is the natural response we have to something. For example, enjoying ice cream.
Unconditioned Response
This is the most active part of the brain while we are doing nothing.
Default Mode Network
If you happen to sleepwalk, it was most likely this stage.
Stage 3
Money is a good example of this.
Secondary Reinforcers
Taking away a reward or punishment is this.
For Pavlovs dogs, the bell was this.
Conditioned Stimulus
The failure to see things outside our focus.
Inattentional Blindness
This is how long it takes to cycle through a typical sleep stage. (eg. REM, 2, 3, and back)
90 min
The process of gradually changing behavior is called this.
This powerful schedule of behavior modifications is one big reason people waste so much money gambling.
Variable Ratio Schedule
This is what you call it while a learner is being conditioned to have a new response.
This is our ability to do complex things, even if you're not fully paying attention.
If we miss out on this stage of sleep, our bodies will try to make it up later.
The conditions, or context, before we have a certain behavior is called this.
If you frequently enjoy going to the movies, but needed to study, you could improve study behavior if you made a deal to study first, and then enjoy the movie. That would be an example of this.