Sleep Disorders
memory pt. 2

What is sleep Apnea?

Frequent gaps of air during sleep, this causes bad sleep 


what's the name for when voluntary responses are controlled by there consequences

Operant conditioning 


what is primary and recency effect 

primary effect- easy to remember things in the beginning 

recency effect- easy to remember things at the end 


what is cryptomnesia 

when you think something is a new idea but it is not a new idea. 


What is sleep restriction? 

"making do" with less sleep than needed 


What is Narcolepsy

Excessive day time sleepiness, sudden attacks of drowsiness, rem sleep during waking hours, no warning of attacks last up to 10-20 min, 


Who pioneered Operant learning and what did he create 

Skinner - the skinner box 


what is serial potential effect 

when recall is better for things in the beginning or end (of a list) than if they are in the middle.


what is a flash bulb memory and are they reliable 

a vivid and detailed recollections of momentous events, they are net reliable or accurate 


what is source confusion 

recalling something as familiar but unsure of where you originally encountered it. 


what is the difference/ definition of insomnia, hypersomnia, and parasomnia 

Insomnia- hard time falling/staying asleep 

hypersomnia- too much sleep ( mostly during the day) 

Parasomnia - abnormal events during sleep 


What the name for when a stimulus (anything in environment) evokes a response originally evoked by another stimulus 

Classical Conditioning 


what is the best way to get something into our LTM

Semantic encoding - knowing what something means 


what is memory distortion and where are they commonly created 

people having false memory, they are commonly created in therapy


what are the 2 types of reinforcement and describe them and explain the pros and cons of using them. 

continuous reinforcement - every time a response is displayed, reinforcement given 

pros- quick learning if no delay 

cons- time and labor intensive- pick extinction

partial reinforcement- only some responses are followed by reinforcement 

pros- less time and labor intensive, slower extinction

cons slower learning 


What are the 2 most common parasomnia's (Hint:Both are more common in children than adults) 

Sleep walking and Night terrors


Who pioneered classical conditioning and what was his experiment 

Pavlov - physiology of digestion, dogs - ring bell gave food- bell ring salivation started 


Atkinson Shiffrin created a 3 component middle of memory. Describe the 3 components and what they do. 

1- Encoding ( putting something into memory ) --> 2- storage (maintaining something in memory) --> 3- retrieval (recover from memory) 

There are 3 levels of processing for things to get in to our LTM- define what they are 

structural encoding-

phonemic encoding -

semantic encoding- 

structural encoding- how something looks

phonemic encoding - how something sounds 

semantic encoding- what something means


what are the 4 conditions that apply while using punishment. 

1- apply swiftly (right when it happened) 

2- just sever enough (more is not better) 

3- must be consistent (can't be okay sometimes, be consistent)

4- explain why your punishing 


What is cataplexy 

Abrupt loss of muscle control that makes person go limp, very uncommon 



-positive reinforcement 

-positive punishment

-negative reinforcement 

-negative punishment 

-positive reinforcement (giving something pleasant) 

-positive punishment(giving something Unpleasant) 

-negative reinforcement (Taking away something unpleasant) 

-negative punishment (Taking away something pleasant ) 


Interference is defined as people forgetting information because of competition from other material. There are 2 types of Interference what are they and what is the definition. 

type 1- retroactive : new information interferes with retention to old information 

type 2- proactive : old information interferes with retention of new information 


when talking about STM, how long does it last, how many items can you hold, what is it vulnerable to, and what does it require?

last 20 seconds, can old +/- 4 items, its vulnerable to distraction and it requires rehearsal 


Explain The sleep cycle/5 stages of sleep. 

Stage 1- (4%-5%) light sleep, Muscle activity slows down, occasional muscle jerks (Hymnic jerks) 

Stage 2- (40%-50%) Breathing and heart rate slow down, slight decrease in body temp, sleep spindles (Brain wave pattern)

Stage 3- (4%-8%) Deep sleep begins, Delta brain waves

Stage 4- (12%-15%) Very deep sleep, rhythmic breathing, limit muscle activity, and Delta brain waves

Stage 5- (20%-25%) Rapid Eye Movement sleep (REM sleep), Brain waves speed up, dreams happen here, muscles relax, could look like waking.