Infant Cognitive Development
Child Safety & Learning
Language & memory

You are playing peek-a-boo with an infant. You cover your face with your hands and he stares off in the other direction and yawns. You are disappointed the baby isn’t having more fun with the game. Piaget would say this is because he hasn’t developed this concept.

What is object permanence?


These are the known factors related to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

What are soft bedding, sleeping stomach down, and low birth weight?


Instead of saying “feet”, 4-year old Jackson this error by saying “foots.”

What is overregularization?


In this example of a child in the preoperational stage a 3-year-old is sitting directly across from you and you ask her to look at the front and back cover of her favorite book. After she does this, you asked her to describe “the part of the book I am looking at.” She tells you what she is seeing.

What is egocentrism?


In this Piaget stage Ashton is shown two round balls of clay equal in size. He watches as the experimenter rolls one ball into a long sausage shape and asks which of the shapes has more clay. Ashton replies “the long one”.

What is the pre-operational stage?


One-year-old Cindy was playing a hiding game with her father. He hid her toy under a blanket and then Cindy would try to find it. Later, he added a second blanket and she watched him hide the toy under it. Interestingly, Cindy still looked under the first blanket. What type of error did she make here?

What is making the A-not-B error


The text describes orphanages in Romania in which all of the infants had been seriously deprived. The children were later adopted and recovered dramatically in physical development. It was found that the recovery in cognitive development was dependent on this factor.

What is the age in which the children were adopted?


A 4-year-old is developing emotional regulation. This advance in development is most likely due to development in this part of the brain.

What is the frontal lobe?


In this example a child is having a tea party with her stuffed animals and dolls, and pretends that they love the tea and cookies she prepared. Emma believes that her stuffed animals and dolls are alive and hold human qualities.

What is animism?


According to this theory, we also need to think about children’s thinking and how these children go through the four stages of development (e.g., sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operations).

What is Piaget?


According to your text, the number of dendrites in the infants’ brain increase tremendously during the second year. This growth is known as:

What is transient exuberance?


A child can demonstrate a type of grasp where she holds small objects between her thumb and forefinger, such as marbles, coins, and crayons.

What is the pincer grasp?


With this type of motivation a child frequently plays the piano whenever the family has guests because of the praise and attention she receives. When alone, however, she rarely plays the piano.

What is extrinsic motivation?


In this type of play Billy and Rodney are both building with construction blocks. They are sitting apart, each with his own set of blocks. 

What is parallel play?


Erikson formulated this theory of child development.

What is the psychosocial theory?


This analogy is similar to synaptic pruning?

What is over-growing seedlings and then weeding out ones that are not needed


Language development in young children requires these 3 factors.

What are 1) a biological capacity for learning language, 2) social encouragement to communicate, and 3) the direct instruction in language skills?


This is inability to remember anything prior to age 2.

What is infantile amnesia?


In this type of aggression a child really wants a bucket and shovel from a child he is playing with in the sandbox. He pushes Tristan and snatches the bucket and shovel.

What is instrumental aggression?


This is Erikson's first stage of child development which occurs during infancy, from approximately ages birth to 12 months.

What is trust vs mistrust?


This term that describes the brain’s high responsiveness to environmental circumstances?

What is plasticity?


You are teaching your daughter how to dress herself using this strategy. You first dressed her, indicating what you were doing and why, then you had her help as you dressed her, and lastly allowed her to dress herself as you watched and helped if needed. This is an example of

What is scaffolding?


In this example of the lack of a Piaget concept 4-year-old twins ask if they can have milk. You pour it. One glass is tall and thin and the other is short and wide. After you pour the milk, one child is unhappy because you gave “more” milk to her sister. You actually gave each of them the same amount.

What is conservation?


In this type of aggression Morgan and Taylor are angry with each other. Morgan asks Sam to come play with her on the playground. As they are running and playing, Taylor tries to follow to join in, but Morgan says, “Eww, keep away from Taylor” and grabs Sam’s hand to run away together.

What is relational aggression? 


Within Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development, each of the developmental stages is characterized by a particular challenge.

What is developmental crisis?