On the up and up
It's not what society thinks
Make it stop
It's all about control
One is the addition of a preferred stimulus and the other is the removal of an aversive stimulus contingent on a behavior. Both result in an increase in the future likelihood of the behavior.
What are positive and negative reinforcement?
The process that occurs when a behavior is followed by an immediate consequence that results in the behavior being less likely to occur in the future.
What is punishment?
Occurs when a previously reinforced behavior is no longer reinforced.
What is extinction?
The stimulus that is present when a particular behavior is reinforced.
What is a discriminative stimulus?
It is an antecedent stimulus or event that alters the value of a reinforcer and alters the probability of the behavior that produces the reinforcer.
What is a motivating operation?
Stimuli that are naturally reinforcing because they have survival value or biological importance.
What are unconditioned (primary) reinforcers?
A procedure in which, contingent on a behavior, the person loses access to positive reinforcers for a brief period of time. Typically, the person is removed from the immediate reinforcing environment.
What is time-out?
Increase in frequency, duration, or intensity of the unreinforced behavior during the extinction process.
What is an extinction burst?
A label that describes the discriminative stimulus, a behavior, and a consequence. Also know as A-B-C.
What is the three-term contingency?
The specific process that has occurred when you turn on an exhaust fan to remove smoke from the kitchen. Contingent upon turning on the exhaust, the smoke is removed, and you are more likely to turn on the exhaust fan when the kitchen is filled with smoke in the future.
What is negative reinforcement in the form of escape?
Schedules of reinforcement in which not every occurrence of the response is reinforced--usually used for the maintenance of behavior.
What are intermittent schedules of reinforcement?
A stimulus or event that, when presented contingent on the occurrence of a behavior, decreases the future probability of the behavior.
What is a punisher or aversive stimulus.
A process that is implemented by not terminating ongoing events and not delaying the presentation of events to ensure that the behavior does not contact reinforcement.
What is extinction for escape-maintained behavior.
It is when particular behavior is now more likely to occur in the presence of a particular discriminative stimulus because the behavior has been reinforced only when that stimulus was present.
What is stimulus control?
It's when a behavior produces a reinforcing consequence through the actions of another person.
What is social reinforcement?
Praise, tokens, money, points, and other stimuli that were originally neutral but now increase behavior.
What are conditioned reinforcers?
The specific process that has occurred when Kevin stops telling jokes about his wife's cooking because it results in her giving him dirty looks.
What is positive punishment?
The process in which the behavior occurs again after it has been successfully extinguished for a period of time.
What is spontaneous recovery?
It's a process in which the behavior occurs more in the presence of antecedent stimuli that are similar in some way to the discriminative stimulus present when the behavior is reinforced. It's also the occurrence of a target behavior in a nontraining situation after training.
What is generalization?
An antecedent event that makes a reinforcer more potent and makes behavior that produces that reinforcer more likely to occur at that time.
What is an establishing operation?
Immediacy, contingency, magnitude, motivating operations, and individual differences.
What are factors that influence the effectiveness of reinforcement?
A specific procedure in which, contingent on a behavior, a specified amount of a reinforcer is removed resulting in a decrease in the future occurrence of the behavior.
What is response cost?
It is the schedule of reinforcement that produces a more rapid decrease in behavior when it is implemented prior to extinction.
What is a continuous reinforcement schedule?
A process in which a behavior is reinforced when the discriminative stimulus is present and is extinguished when the S-delta is present.
What is stimulus discrimination training?
The first schedule of reinforcement produces high rates of responding with no post-reinforcement pause, and the second produces low rates of responding that increases at the end of the interval (scallop appearance).
What are variable ratio schedules and fixed interval schedules?