Psychology Basics
Types of Psychology
Careers in Psychology
Bonus Questions
The scientific study of animal and human behavior.
What is Psychology
Which group of people began studying human behavior in the fifth and sixth centuries?
What is Greeks?
This Psychologist was credited with setting up the first psychology lab in Leipzig, Germany and creating a process of collecting data that we now know as the scientific method.He is considered the first modern psychologist.
Who is Wilhelm Wundt
¡s a psychologist who usually helps people deal with problems of everyday life. This is what most psychologists deal with.
What is a Counseling Psychologist
The difference between Psychologist and a Psychiatrist is that a psychiatrist holds a _____________________.
What is a medical degree.
A way of asking and answering questions about why people think, act, and feel as they do, which reduces the chances of coming to false conclusions
What is the scientific method
_______________ studies the function instead of the structure of consciousness. e.g. the theory suggests that all aspects of a society serve a function and are necessary for the survival of that society.
What is Functionalism
a psychologist who analyzes how organisms learn or modify their behavior based on their response to events in the environment. An example would be Pavlov and his study of the behavior of dogs through a systems of rewards
What is a behaviorist
Which type of psychologist investigates how depression leads to physical ailments such as ulcers and cancer?
What is a Health Psychologist
The scientific method was founded by Wilhelm Wundt but had another name.
What is Introspection
Psychologists seek to describe, explain, predict and define the influences of behavior.
What are the four goals of psychology
__________________ studies how unconscious motives and conflicts determine human behavior,?feelings, and thoughts. Uses free association.
What is a Psychoanalyst
a psychologist who believes that each person has freedom in directing his or her future and achieving personal growth. Believed human nature as evolving and self-directed. Abraham Maslow would be this type of psychologist.
What is Humanist
______________________ uses psychological concepts to make the workplace a more satisfying environment for employees and managers
What is an Industrial or Organizational Psychologist
When a psychologist derives results from experimentation and observation, the results are called __________
empirical data
Psychologist uses _____________ to conduct studies with the long-term goal of finding out more about human behavior to understand it but not use it.
What is basic science
a psychologist who studies how we process, store, retrieve, and use information and how thought processes influence our behavior studies this type of psychology. An example would be Piaget.
What is Cognitive
Pscyhologists in this field evaluate teaching methods, devise tests, and develop new instructional devices.
educational psychologists
_____________________ work in legal, court, and correctional systems. It is the interaction of the practice or study of psychology and the law.
What is a Forensic Psychologist
List in order the steps of the scientific method
What is Question, Hypothesis, Experiment, Analysis, Conclusion, and Theory
Psychologists that use ________________ are more interested in discovering ways to use what we already know about people to benefit others. They want to understand and fix the problems.
What is applied science
__________________ studies how physical and chemical changes in our bodies influence our behavior
What is a Psychobiologist
________________ was interested in the unconscious mind and used the technique of free association, and believed that dreams are expressions of the?most primitive unconscious urges.
Who is Sigmund Freud
What do the divisions of the APA represent?
different specialties in psychology
Which approach to psychology concerns itself with methods to reduce discrimination against immigrants?
What is sociocultural?