The Theorists

Understanding that objects continue to exist even when they cannot be observed is called... 

Object Permanence 


What are the names of Kohlberg's three stages of moral development? Hint: one is called conventional 

  • Preconventional Morality 

  • Conventional Morality 

  • Postconventional Morality 


What school does Ms. Rodriguez attend? 



When is the Development Unit Test? 

This Wednesday!!! 


What is schema?

A concept or framework that organizes and interprets information


Describe Kohlberg's Stage 2 (Exchange of Favors) 

Recognize that others have needs, but make the satisfaction of your own needs a higher priority. 


Describe the following attachment styles: 

  • Secure Attachment

  • Avoidant 

  • Ambivalent

secure (confident that needs will be met)

anxious/ambivalent (unsure if needs will be met) 

avoidant/dismissive (believes needs will not be met, independence-seeking) 


Q. The development that occurs before birth

A. Emotional development 

B. Moral development 

C. Physical development 

D. Intellectual Development 

E. Prenatal development

E. Prenatal development


What is egocentrism?

A child's inability to see a situation from another person's point of view.


Who is Lev Vygotsky? According to him, how do children learn best? Hint: Treasure Hunt Activity 

  • Most notable for the Zone of Proximal Development

  • ZPD: Children learn best by interacting with others. In fact, children will not likely move to the next level of understanding without help from peers or role models. 


What is assimilation vs. accommodation? 

Imagine you have a mental folder for "cow" in your brain. When you see a moose for the first time, you try to match it with what's in your "cow" folder because it's the closest thing you know. This is called assimilation.

But when you realize the moose isn't exactly like a cow, you must adjust your mental folder. This process of changing your mental folder to fit new information is called accommodation.


Read the following scenario and tell me which of Piaget's stages it belongs to: A child understands that two glasses contain the same amount of liquid, even though one glass is tall and narrow and the other is short and wide 

A. Preoperational 

B. Sensory Motor 

C. Formal Operational 

D. Concrete Operational

D. Concrete Operational 


The earliest age of conscious memory is around 3½ years; this is called…

Infantile Amnesia


Explain Erikson's integrity vs. despair stage 

Late adulthood. Reflect on his or her life. Could feel a sense of failure or satisfaction. 


Describe one of the following experiments: 

  • Ainsworth’s Strange Situation Experiment 

  • Harlow’s Monkey Mother Experiment

Ask yourself: 

  1. What was the purpose of the experiment? 

  2. Was it ethical? 

  3. What were the outcomes/results? 

Ainsworth: To assess the quality of attachment by placing children in situations of mild stress.

Harlow: To find out whether provision of food or contact comfort is more important in the formation of infant-mother attachment.


What is stranger anxiety? What age do children experience this? 

A fear of strangers displayed by babies at about 8 months 


What is habituation? Provide a real-world example. 

A decrease in response strength (an experience) to the same stimulation repeatedly presented. Open to many scenarios. 


Describe Piaget's formal operational stage... 

Abstract logic. Mature for moral reasoning. 12 years through adulthood. 


What are the three parenting styles + Explain them. 

Authoritarian- This type of parenting is marked by unquestioning obedience, making of arbitrary rules, and punishment that is sometimes not fitting of the situation. 

Permissive- This type of parenting is marked by very few rules or demands. The child is allowed to make his or her own decision and be in charge of his of her own behavior. 

Authoritative- This type of parenting is marked by a parent being open to reasoning and discussion with their child. The parent will enforce limits for the child and set healthy boundaries. The parent encourages open communication and independence. High standards are set for the child but they are realistic standards.


The brain's development unfolds based on genetic instructions, causing various bodily and mental functions to occur in sequence—standing before walking, babbling before talking—this is called ______________.
