Pioneers of Cognitive Psychology
Random Cognitive Psychology

A form of learning done by a person or animal where two stimuli are linked together to produce a new learned response

classical conditioning


What type of memory are you dependent on whenever you are driving your car (specifically the "feel" for how to drive the car)?

implicit memory (or procedural memory)


The ability to gain knowledge through experience is called...



This pioneer of cognitive psychology believed that humans only have one type of intelligence, which he referred to as “g.”

Charles Spearman


A dog receives a treat every time it fetches a ball. Which schedule of reinforcement does this illustrate?

fixed ratio


Your mom punishes you by adding to your list of chores because you received a failing grade on an exam. What is this an example of?

positive punishment


What two major brain structures are involved with explicit/declarative memory?

frontal lobes; hippocampus


The extent to which a test technique provides repeatable results (i.e., yields the same score across administrations)



This pioneer of cognitive psychology coined the learning process of reinforcement to Thorndike’s law of effect. This process is when behavior reoccurs as a result of a consequence of that behavior.  

B.F. Skinner  


An individual that is unable to establish new memories after a certain point in time is displaying symptoms of _________.

anterograde amnesia


When you imagine each turn as you instruct a friend on how to get to your house, this is the example of what?

using a cognitive map


Friday night you had a little too much to drink and ended up losing your phone. In your sober state Saturday morning, you cannot recall where you left your phone. You make the decision to drink again Saturday night, and after a few you end up remember where you misplaced your phone. What type of memory were you relying on?

state-dependent memory


Your American history teacher asks the class to recall the date of when the U.S. Constitution was signed. You raise your hand and reply, “September  17, 1787.”  What type of intelligence were you relying on?

crystallized intelligence


Which pioneer of cognitive psychology believed that not only were there different forms of intelligence, but that individuals have different types of intelligence at different levels in eight various areas?

Howard Gardner


The ability to recognize and understand emotions within yourself and others refers to _________.

emotional intelligence


First discovered in monkeys, these neurons are activated when you perform or observe a particular behavior

mirror neurons


The ________ effect occurs when your recall of an episodic memory is skewed due to the influence of post-event information.



Whenever you contemplate all the different possible captions you might use before posting to your Instagram account, you are using this type of problem solving strategy

divergent thinking


Which pioneer of cognitive psychology believed that high achievement in life is dependent on one’s practical intelligence, analytical intelligence, and creative intelligence?

Robert Stenberg  


You are able to recall a specific memory in vivid detail, but can’t seem to remember the source of the memory. You are experiencing ______.

source amnesia


You grew up with your elder sibling displaying great fear towards snakes. From watching your sibling, you begin to display a deep-rooted aversion towards snakes as well. This is an example of what?

vicarious conditioning (or observational learning)


What process refers to the long-lasting reinforcement of synapses between two stimulated neurons that acts as a central mechanism in memory formation?

long-term potentiation (LTP)


Originally developed by Alfred Binet, and then revised by Lewis Terman, the _______ test is an alternative to the Wechsler Intelligence test.

Stanford-Binet Intelligence


Which pioneer of cognitive psychology hypothesized the forgetting curve, which explains that memory declines over time as a result of not attempting to retain it?

Hermann Ebbinghaus


The idea that intelligence test scores are gradually improving over time on a global scale refers to The ______  Effect.  
