What is Memory?
Stages of Memory
Retrieval & Forgetting
Biology of Memory
Mixed Bag

What is the correct order in which memory processes occur?

a.    encoding > storage > retrieval

b.    retrieval > encoding > storage 

c.    storage > retrieval > encoding 

d.    encoding > retrieval > storage 

a.    encoding > storage > retrieval


What is the first stage in the information-processing model of memory?

a.    short-term memory 

b.    sensory memory

c.    long-term memory 

d.    encoding 

b.    sensory memory


_______________ is the process of retrieving information held in long-term memory without the help of retrieval cues.

a.    Recall

b.    Recognition 

c.    Primacy 

d.    Recency 

a.    Recall


Colton wakes up in a hospital. Apparently, he cannot remember anything that happened immediately following a severe head injury. Colton’s case demonstrates _______________ amnesia.

a.    retroactive 

b.    retrograde 

c.    anterograde

d.    proactive 

c.    anterograde


The correlational method is aimed at:

a.    examining a single individual in great detail. 

b.    examining relationships among variables. 

c.    collecting data through interviews or questionnaires. 

d.    verifying cause-and-effect relationships between variables. 

b.    examining relationships among variables.


Natalia is reminded of the _______________ when one of her professors advises the class that, “You’d probably do better on the test if you put more effort into understanding what the chapter’s trying to say in the first place.”

a.    reconstructionist model 

b.    information-processing model 

c.    levels of processing framework

d.    working memory model 

c.    levels of processing framework


“Small capacity, and a duration of approximately 30 seconds” describes _______________ memory in the information-processing model.

a.    echoic 

b.    short-term

c.    sensory 

d.    long-term 

b.    short-term


The tendency for new and inaccurate information obtained after an incident to distort one’s memory of that event is called the _______________ effect.

a.    source error 

b.    misinformation

c.    anchoring 

d.    shadowing 

b.    misinformation


Dana is suffering from _______________ amnesia when she fails to remember events that came before her traumatic brain injury.

a.    retroactive 

b.    retrograde

c.    anterograde 

d.    proactive 

b.    retrograde


Allanah is preparing to conduct a perceptual experiment as part of her PhD dissertation work. She flips a coin to put 30 participants in the experimental group and 30 in the control group. What is Allanah doing, and why?

a.    Allanah is performing random assignment to ensure that participant characteristics are equal across groups.

b.    Allanah is performing random assignment to ensure that the sample is representative of the population. 

c.    Allanah is performing random selection to ensure that participant characteristics are equivalent across groups. 

d.    Allanah is performing random selection to ensure that the sample is representative of the population. 

a.    Allanah is performing random assignment to ensure that participant characteristics are equal across groups.


Saving a file on a computer’s hard drive is analogous to the human memory process of:

a.    retrieval. 

b.    encoding. 

c.    storage.

d.    decay. 

c.    storage.


Shane needs to learn a long list of biology terms. Shane increases his short-term memory capacity by composing a few sentences, each containing several related terms. Shane is using a strategy called:

a.    distributed practice. 

b.    reconstruction. 

c.    massed practice. 

d.    chunking.

d.    chunking.


3.    When the room is empty, Frankie studies her art history notes in the lecture hall where she attends class. Frankie is attempting to capitalize on the _______________ effect.

a.    spacing 

b.    serial position 

c.    levels of processing 

d.    encoding specificity

d.    encoding specificity


Where are spatial memories stored in the brain?

a.    cerebellum 

b.    amygdala 

c.    hippocampus 

d.    temporal lobe

d.    temporal lobe


Why is neural communication sometimes described as an “electrochemical” process?

a.    The action potential is electrical, and transmission across the synapse is chemical.

b.    The action potential is chemical, and transmission across the synapse is electrical. 

c.    Action potentials are chemical and electrical events, while transmission across the synapse is only electrical. 

d.    Transmission across the synapse and the action potential are both electrical events. 

a.    The action potential is electrical, and transmission across the synapse is chemical.


Mandy types sentences in a document that she will later save on her laptop’s hard drive. Her action is analogous to the human memory process called _______________, in which stimuli from our environment are converted into neural signals that are sent to the brain.

a.    retrieval 

b.    encoding

c.    storage 

d.    interference 

b.    encoding


Jamie is trying to remember where she left her algebra textbook. She uses her _______________ to produce a mental layout of her bedroom in order to determine where she last saw it.

a.    episodic buffer 

b.    phonological loop 

c.    visuospatial sketchpad

d.    sensory memory 

c.    visuospatial sketchpad


Ana learns some conversational Portuguese in advance of a vacation in Brazil. However, the Spanish she used at home as a child sometimes impairs her retrieval of Portuguese words and phrases. Ana is experiencing _______________ interference.

a.    retroactive 

b.    regressive 

c.    progressive 

d.    proactive

d.    proactive


Two brain areas involved in the formation of implicit memories are the _______________ and the _______________.

a.    prefrontal cortex; thalamus 

b.    amygdala; cerebellum

c.    hippocampus; cerebellum 

d.    amygdala; hippocampus 

b.    amygdala; cerebellum


Jenny suffered brain damage that resulted in her losing the ability to control the movements of her hands, wrists, or fingers. The damaged brain structure is the:

a.    auditory cortex. 

b.    somatosensory cortex. 

c.    motor cortex.

d.    visual cortex. 

c.    motor cortex.


Ari opens the “Documents” folder on his laptop’s hard drive and then a folder labeled “HIST 110.” He locates and opens his American History term paper. Ari’s action is similar to the human memory process of:

a.    interference. 

b.    encoding. 

c.    storage. 

d.    retrieval.

d.    retrieval.


Raven is on her way to the bookstore to purchase her textbooks. She is repeating her course schedule to herself to avoid forgetting. Raven is relying on her _______________ to help her remember her course schedule.

a.    episodic buffer 

b.    phonological loop

c.    visuospatial sketchpad 

d.    sensory memory 

b.    phonological loop


Sebastian took 3 years of Latin in high school. In college, he takes three courses in Spanish. By the end of college, he finds it hard to remember much Latin. Sebastian is experiencing _______________ interference.

a.    retroactive

b.    regressive 

c.    progressive 

d.    proactive 

a.    retroactive


Of the three general memory processes mentioned at the outset of this chapter, the hippocampus is probably least involved in:

a.    encoding. 

b.    elaboration. 

c.    retrieval.

d.    storage. 

c.    retrieval.


Which two structures are located within the limbic system?

a.    hippocampus and the medulla 

b.    cerebellum and the hypothalamus 

c.    thalamus and the amygdala 

d.    hypothalamus and the reticular formation 

c.    thalamus and the amygdala