Major Perspectives
of Psychology
Research Methods
Types of Memory
False Memories
Human behavior is strongly influenced by unconscious sexual and aggressive conflicts. (School of Psych & Psychologist responsible)
What is Psychoanalysis. Who is Sigmund Freud.
Fake sugar capsules that were identical in appearance to the actual medicine capsules.
What is a placebo.
What are the 2 types of sensory memory and their duration.
What is Visual sensory memory (or iconic) - .3 seconds
What is Auditory sensory memory (or echoic) - 2-4 seconds
What term describes the sensation of knowing that specific information is stored in LTM, but being temporarily unable to retrieve it.
What is Tip-of-the-Tongue experience.
What term describes unfounded confidence in a false or distorted memory caused by vividly imagining the pseudoevent.
What is Imagination Inflation.
Psychology should scientifically investigate observable behaviors that can be measured objectively and should not study consciousness or mental processes. (School of Psych & Psychologist responsible)
What is Behaviorism. Who is John Watson.
A psychologist discovers that as negative life events increase, episodes of depression also increase. The psychologist concludes that there is a __________ between negative life events and episodes of depression.
What is a positive correlation.
What is the capacity and duration of STM?
What is 7 items plus/minus 2; 20 seconds
Which term describes a phenomenon in which a given mood tends to evoke memories that are consistent with that mood.
What is mood congruence.
What term describes forgetting or misremembering the true source of a memory.
What is Source Confusion.
Psychology should emphasize each person's unique potential for psychological growth and self-directedness. (School of Psych & Psychologist responsible)
What is Humanistic Psychology. Who is Carl Rogers.
Researchers have found that the more credit cards people have, the less money they tend to have in their savings accounts. These researchers have discovered a _________ between the number of credit cards and the amount of savings.
What is a negative correlation.
What are the 2 types of explicit memory.
What is Semantic memory & Episodic memory.
Which term describes units of information in LTM as being organized in a complex network of associations?
What is Semantic Network Model.
What term describes an organized cluster of information about a particular topic.
What is a Schema.
Psychology should study how behavior and mental processes allow organisms to adapt to their environments. (School of Psych & Psychologist responsible)
What is Functionalism. Who is William James
A psychologist is interested in what hospital staff members say about their patients in public. His research assistants spend four hours riding elevators in various hospitals and unobtrusively recording the public conversations. This psychologist is using _____________.
What is naturalistic observation.
What are the 3 major components of the Baddeley Model of Working Memory.
What is Phonological Loop – the aspect of memory that is specialized for verbal material such as lists of numbers or words.

Visuospatial sketchpad – the aspect of memory that is specialized for spatial or visual material, such as remembering the layout of a room or city.

Central executive – the aspect of memory that controls attention, integrates information, and manages the activities of the other 2
The tendency to remember items at the beginning and end of a list better than items in the middle is what?
What is the Serial Position Effect
Which term describes when erroneous information received after an event leads to distorted or false memories of the event.
What is Misinformation effect.
Psychology should focus on the elements on conscious experiences, using the method of introspection. (School of Psych & Psychologist responsible)
What is Structuralism. Who is Edward Titchener.
The fact that neither, the participants nor the researchers who interacted with them, knew which participants received the real medicine and which received the fake pill. This research style is called ______________.
What is the double-blind technique.
What is needed for information to travel from STM to LTM.
What is Elaborative rehearsal to move information from STM to LTM.
What are the two terms associated with the Serial Position Effect that mean the tendency to remember items at the beginning of a list and the tendency to remember items at the end of a list?
What are the Primacy Effect and the Recency Effect
Which term describes false or distorted memories caused by the tendency to fill in missing memory details with information that is consistent with existing knowledge about a topic.
What is Schema distortion.