Middle Adulthood
Late Adulthood
Death & Dying

The first stage of early adulthood, where people transition from adolescence into adulthood, is called this. 

What is emerging adulthood?


This type of aging is considered to be controllable via environmental and lifestyle factors.

What is secondary aging?


On average, women live about how many years longer than men in the US?

What is five years?


When others start to withdraw from someone and talk about them like they are not there after a terminal diagnosis, this type of death is experienced. 

What is a social death?


Piaget's theory is referred to as cognitive constructivism, while Vygotsky's theory is considered this type of constructivism.

What is social constructivism?


The aging process, which may include physical, sensory, and cognitive changes, typically begins during this decade. 

What are the 30s?


This is the leading cause of the death in the US (and globally).

What is heart disease?


This, the most common cause of blindness in the US, is a slow progression that begins with the loss of peripheral vision.

What is glaucoma?


People in this developmental period report the most fear of death.

What is middle adulthood?


A person in this developmental stage who loses a parent to death will react to their absence but will not have a cognitive understanding of death. 

What is infancy?


This type of thought, observed during early adulthood, allows a person to accept that two competing ideas can hold some truth. 

What is dialectical thought?


Adults need this range of hours of sleep each night.

What is 7-9 hours?


This type of memory, which allows for the cognitive manipulation of information in short-term memory, is the most impacted in late adulthood.

What is working memory?


This type of care his to provide physical and emotional  pain relief to a person who is ill. 

What is palliative care?


Experiences that most people experience, such as puberty, schooling, and relationship milestones, are known as this type of influence. 

What are normative influences? 


Individuals who score high on this personality factor, the C in the five-factor model, are likely to think before they act. 

What is conscientiousness?


This is an event that was previously believed most people experienced in middle adulthood, but has since  been shown to occur in fewer people. 

What is a midlife crisis?


"Those who internalize ageism are more likely to see congitive decline and poor physical health." This is an example of this concept related to ageism.

What is stereotype threat?


This is the process by which a person adapts to a loss.

What is mourning?


Developmental psychology typically uses three types of research design. This type of design may be used to evaluate whether experiences in one phase of life are related to experiences in another phase of life. 

What is correlational?


Erikson posited that in early adulthood, people work to resolve this conflict, which can help them avoid loneliness. 

What is Intimacy vs. Isolation?


Erikson posited people in middle adulthood are focused on resolving this conflict, which may explain why caregiving and work are so important during this period. 

What is Generativity vs. Stagnation?


In late adulthood, people are working to resolve this conflict posited by Erikson, which requires them to evaluate their lives. 

What is Integrity vs. Despair?


When a person has been ill for a long time, their loved ones may experience this type of grief after they die, which may include relief that their suffering is over.

What is anticipatory grief? 


When using this type of research design, researchers are interested in viewing a single cohort's experience over time. 

What is longitudinal?