Language Development
Culture and Diversity

When do infants start to take in language?

In the womb


What is an individualistic culture, and provide one example?

Culture that values a person's ability to do for themselves (United States)


Behaviorism is the 

study of observable behavior


What is person-first language and identitify first language?

Person - when we place the individual as the subject as opposeed to the disability

Identity - when an indiviual has aclimated a disabiluty as part of their identity


True or False: It is important to expose infants to as many sounds from various languages as possible with no social context. Why?

False; language needs social context to make sense and allows for infants to determine importance


What is a collectivistic culture, and provide two examples?

Culture that values the ability to consider others and collaborate. China, Japan, India, etc.


Please define intrinsic motivation 

The internal desire to complete tasks


What does the acronym IDEA stand for and what does it do?

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act; ensures students with disabilities have access to free and appropriate education


What is a benefit of learning multiple languages (name one)



Stronger neural connections

Better cognition 


What is an ACE, and what happens when children continue to have more ACEs?

Adverse childhood experiences; the child has increased risk factors


What is a potential result of delayed reinforcement

Better impulse control / larger reward


Provide the two types of sensory processing disorder, and what is the difference?


Sensory seeking


What is the difference between receptive language and expressive language? Which emerges first?

Receptive language - comprehension of language (first)

Expressive language - vocalization of words/sounds


What was the "All About Me" assignment, and what were the key points of that discussion?

Teacher tasked a child to talk about themselves when the child was from a collectivistic culture. It is important to value what the child said as it provides context to home culture, etc.


What is it called when you are adding something to a situation with the intention of continuing a desired behavior?

Positive Reinforcement 


What is an IEP and IFSP, and what is the different between them?

IEP - Individualized educational plan

IFSP - Individualized Family Support Plan

IFSP  up to 3 years old/regional center


A student speaks French as the native home language, and moved to the United States. The school they now attend speaks English. What should the parents do?

Continue to encourage the home language (both verbal and written)


When being dropped off at school a child walks into the classroom and begins to play without acknowledging the teacher. The grandfather who is dropping off calls for the child to come back and say good morning to the teacher. The teacher says, "Oh they don't need to say good morning. It's okay for them to go play." What is this an example of, and what should the teacher have done?

Cultural Conflict

The teacher should have followed the grandfather's lead and encouraged the practice of saying good morning to the teacher. 


Apply the ABC's to this situation. A teacher notices a child has a tendancy to pull the yarn hair very roughly often. They realize this happens whnever the classroom reaches a loud noise level. After a few minutes of pulling the yarn, the child becomes visibly more calm and stops. 

How do you think the teacher should respond to the situation?

A - Loud classroom environment

B - Pulling on the yarn

C - Student feels calmed


What is Universal Design for Learning and what does it look like?

A concept that classroom materials and learning need to be adaptive to students' individual developmental levels and needs. Higher desks for student in wheelchairs, tactile items for children with sensory processing disorder, etc.