Exam 1 Review
Exam 2 Review
Group Therapy

What is the bubble hypothesis?

The more internal validity a research study has, the less external validity it has (and vice versa)


Who developed person-centered therapy?

Carl Rogers


Who is primarily responsible for developing ACT?

Steven Hayes


Who is responsible for developing DBT?

Marsha Linehan


List two advantages of group therapy.

Can help individuals learn social skills, support new behaviors and experimentation, re-creates the everyday world, members learn about themselves through experiences with others, and helps develop awareness of interpersonal patterns


Define intersectionality

The overlapping and intersecting identities of an individual or group, and how these relate to discrimination


What is John Watson known for?

The “Little Albert” study, which demonstrated that classical conditioning can be used to explain the development of fear in humans


How does ACT differ from other therapies?

Focuses on increasing psychological flexibility, rather than reducing symptoms


What are the core assumptions of DBT?

Patients are trying their best and can also try harder to improve, patients have trouble regulating emotions and can learn skills to regulate those emotions, and patients may not have “caused” the challenges that they face and are responsible for changing their behavior


List two disadvantages of group therapy.

Group cohesion can be difficult, humans tend to engage in conformity in groups, appropriateness for group therapy depends on diagnosis/presenting problems, and it can be intimidating/more difficult to manage, and/or require a different set of skills 


What are the five general principles of psychological ethics?

Beneficence/nonmaleficence, fidelity/responsibility, integrity, justice, and respect for people’s rights & dignity


What CBT skill puts dysfunctional thoughts “to the test” using the scientific method to assess the thought’s accuracy?

Cognitive restructuring


List two strengths of ACT.

Strong evidence base for a wide variety of disorders, multiculturally sensitive therapy, and useful broadly (not just for folks with specific diagnoses)


What skill domain does DEAR MAN fall under?

DEAR MAN is an interpersonal effectiveness skill that can be used for clarifying and achieving desired outcomes.


What are the responsibilities of a group therapist?

Creation and maintenance of the group, group culture building, and activating & illuminating the here and now.


What are exceptions to confidentiality?

Supervision, serious risk of harm to self or others, harm to a vulnerable person, subpoena


Define transference and countertransference.

Transference is strong emotional reactions a patient has toward their therapist due to repetition of unresolved issues. Countertransference is strong emotional reactions a therapist has towards a patient.


What are the six core processes of ACT?

Present, values, committed action, self as context, defusion, and acceptance


What does TIPP stand for, and what skill does it fall under?

TIPP stands for temperature, intense exercise, paced breathing, and paired muscle relaxation, and is an example of a distress tolerance skill. 


List 5 factors from Yalom’s 11 factors of effective group therapy?

Instillation of hope, universality, imparting information, altruism, the corrective recapitulation of the primary family group, development of socializing techniques, imitative behavior, interpersonal learning, group cohesiveness, catharsis, existential factors.