carries messages received by the dendrites to other
What is: Axon
the space between two neurons where the axon of a
sending neuron communicates with the dendrites of a
receiving neuron by using chemical messages
What is: synapse
circumstances and events in life that produce
threats to our well-being
what is: stressors
the part of the brain that controls bodily
what is: the cerebellum
the part of the cortex that is largely responsible
for the body’s voluntary movement
What is: the motor area
small bulges at the end of axons that send
messages to other neurons
What is: Terminal buttons
chemicals that carry messages across the
synapse to the dendrite of a receiving neuron
what is: neurotransmitters
medical problems influenced by an interaction of psychological, emotional, and physical difficulties
what is: Psychophysiological disorders
Controls a critical body functions, such as
breathing and heartbeat
what is: the medulla
located in the occipital lobe
what is: the visual area
a protective coating of fat and protein that
wraps around the axon; increase the speed of neural impulses
What is: Myelin sheath
Reabsorption of neurotransmitters by a
terminal button
What is: reuptake
the study of the connections among psychological factors (e.g., attitudes, emotions),the nervous system, and immune system
what is: Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI)
extends from the medulla through the
pons; related to changes in the level of arousal of the body
what is: Reticular formation
in the temporal lobe is responsible for the sense of hearing
what is: auditory area
A cluster of fibers at one end of a neuron that
receive messages from other neurons
What is: Dendrite
the part of the nervous system
that includes the brain and spinal cord
What is: the central nervous system
a theory developed by Hans Selye that suggests a person’s physiological response to a stressor consists of three stages
what is: General adaptation syndrome (GAS)
the part of the brain located in the middle of the
central core that acts primarily to relay information about the sense
what is: the thalamus
encompasses specific locations associated with the ability to perceive touch and pressure in a particular area of the body
what is: the somatosensory area
specialized neurons that fire not only when a person enacts a particular behavior but also when a person simply observes another individual carrying out the same behavior
What is: mirror neurons
the bundle of neurons that leaves the brain and
runs down the length of the back
What is: the spinal cord
What is one effect on the immune system from stress?
increase the risk of poor cardiovascular function,
high blood pressure, heart disease, early death
Diminished natural killer cell activity is linked with further malignancies and the length of survival for the cancer patient
a tiny part of the brain, located below the thalamus, that maintains homeostasis and produces and regulates behavior critical to the basic survival of the species
what is: the Hypothalamus
one of the major regions of the cerebral cortex; the site of the higher mental processes, such as thought, language, memory, and speech
what is: association areas