This mental process allows people to store and retrieve information
This psychologist is famous for training dogs to salivate to a bell
Ivan Pavlov
This psychologist developed Social Learning Theory
This psychologist is known as the father of behaviorism
John Watson
The cognitive approach compares the human mind to this piece of technology
Behaviorists believe that all behavior is learned through interaction with this
In SLT, learning occurs by watching others, a process known as
Observational learning
He developed the concept of cognitive schemas and studied how thinking changes in children.
Jean Piaget
This influences how we interpret social situations
B.F. Skinner studied learning through consequences using this type of conditioning
he Bobo doll experiment demonstrated that children learn aggression through
This behaviorist believed free will was an illusion and that all behavior is shaped by reinforcement.
The cognitive approach suggests that mental processes occur between stimulus and this
A behavior that is strengthened by removing an unpleasant stimulus is an example of
Negative reinforcement
The four stages of SLT are attention, retention, reproduction, and...
This cognitive psychologist introduced the multi-store model of memory
Atkinson & Shiffrin
This cognitive bias causes people to seek out information that confirms their existing beliefs
Confirmation bias
In classical conditioning, the neutral stimulus becomes this after being paired with the unconditioned stimulus.
Conditioned stimulus
When a person imitates behavior after seeing someone else rewarded for it, this is called this type of reinforcement
Vicarious reinforcement
He created the idea of the "zone of proximal development," influencing cognitive and social learning theories
Lev Vygotsky