Social Psychology
Psychological Disorders I
Memory is the persistence of learning over time through the ______ and _____ of information.
What is storage and retrieval
Marley got a bad grade on her test that she studied very hard for. She is angry at her professor. When she gets home, Marley picks a fight with her sister, yelling at her and calling her a "brat." Marley is displaying using which of the defense mechanisms?
What is Displacement
Milgram's experiment studying ______ had 65% of participants obey the experimenter's commands.
What is Obedience
The ___ is used to describe disorders, predict their future course, imply appropriate treatment, and stimulate research into its causes.
What is The DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders)
When you study for a test, you are implementing _____, where you consciously repeat information in order to encode it for storage.
What is Rehearsal
On a grocery list, the item of "Squid" is more able to be recalled because it stands out from "normal" items such as milk or bread. This Effect has a name.
What is Von Restorff Effect
According to Freud, things do not happen by accident. Freudian slips are a prime example of this theory of _____.
What is Psychological Determinism
The ______ Prison study had to be shortened, as participants became extremely invested in their roles.
What is Zimbardo
Psychological Disorders are patterns of thoughts, feelings, or actions that are _____, _____, and _____.
What is Deviant, Distressful, Dysfunctional
Freud believed that personality was mostly ______.
What is Unconscious
This game of jeopardy is a classic example of 1 part of Long Term Memory; _____ memory.
What is Explicit memory
The Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) is a personality intended to reveal conflicts, feelings, and motives by providing ambiguous stimuli. Which group of tests does this belong with... (Hint: Rorschach is in this category as well.)
What is Projective Tests
According to the Bystander Effect, if you go out and drink a bit too much (resulting in you passing out in the bushes), you are _____ likely to get help if other bystanders are present.
What is Less
Involuntary muscle movements that are associated with the use of antipsychotic medication.
What is Tardive Dyskinesia
Psychological Disorders are prevalent in __% of people.
What is 30%
The neural center in the brain that helps process memories for storage and is especially important for recognition and spatial memory for navigation.
What is the Hippocampus
This psychologist used a Person Centered Perspective. According to this psychologist, Unconditional Positive Regard is an attitude of total acceptance toward another.
What is Carl Rogers
Group projects can become stressful when people in the group begin t exert less effort than when they are working alone. This is called...
What is Social Loafing
Hallucinations are _____ symptoms of Schizophrenia and generally respond well to medication.
What is Positive Symptoms
In Milgram's study, ______ were acting as participants receiving shocks, when in fact they were assisting the experimenter.
What is Confederates
When asked "How fast were the cars going when they smashed into each other?" vs. "How fast were the cars going when they hit each other?" individuals were more likely to report there being broken glass, when in fact there wasn't any. This effect has a name...
What is the Misinformation effect
List the "Big 5"
What is: Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness to experience, agreeableness, and Conscientiousness.
In the Asch study: 99% of participants got all of the answers correct, but when they were in a group, __% of participants conformed at least some of the time.
What is 70%
According to the Dopamine hypothesis of Schizophrenia, a hyper-responsive dopamine system can intensify brain signals in schizophrenia due to a ______ of dopamine in the brain.
What is Overactivity
According to the ____ ____; if a student were to come to class high everyday, it would NOT be in their best interest to take the test clean.
What is Context Effect