memory two
Concepts and knowledge

Clive wearing had what impairment of memory



If I tell you a list of 5 things and you remember the first thing, what it is called and why did you remember it 

Primacy effect, and because it was rehearsed into long term memory


What are the two types of amnesia

anterograde and retrograde


What is the differnce between defining features and characteristic features

Defining features are necessary and sufficient for category membership Characteristics features are those common but not essential for category membership


What is a cognate

a word that is the same in two languages a bilingual speaks


Name the stages of memory in order and what they do

Encoding: Learning new information; forming new “memory trace” as a neural code Storage: Retaining encoded memory trace/ neural code

Retrieval: Activating a memory trace via a cue (probe for that memory) for a purpose


What are the two theories about forgetting

Decay Theory: Memories are lost over time due to disuse

 Interference theory: Interference is responsible for much of forgetting


Tariq has been dating Haleigh for 3 weeks, but when someone asks him who he is dating he says he is dating Ashleigh (his ex). What is happening to Tariq?

He is experiencing proactive interference


Concepts are represented by ...



What are the two thoughts about how language and though interact

Linguistic Universalists Language and thought are independent

Linguistic Relativity Language and thought are interconnected


Name 3 types of sensory memory

Gustatory memo, Olfactory memory, Echoic memory, Haptic memory, Iconic memory


These type of memories are not reccurent recordings of events but tend to have strong emotional ties to them

Flashbulb memories


Name  the 3 types of implciit memory

Procedural memory, priming, classical conditioning- emotional response skeletal musculature


There are 3 levels for concept organization name them and describe their attributes

Basic- general and specific

superordinate- most general

subordinate- most specific


Name the two types of dyslexia and how they read

Surface dyslexia- reads letter by letter

phonoligical dyslexia-reads whole words- essentially memorizes them


Name two memory effects and how they affect memory

Rashomon effect: memories are reconstructions so everyone has a different view of them

Misinformation effect: leading questions can cause false memory formation

misattribution effectL retrieving familiar info from the wrong source, or falilrue in source monitoring 

False memories:A familiar feeling can lead to incorrect associations 2. Details can be added to memories during retrieval


Semantic dementia starts with neuro degeneration, where is it?

left anterior temporal lobe


When know that memory depends on how something is learned and tested, what is it called when  memory performance is better when the cognitive processes engaged during retrieval match the cognitive processes that were engaged when the material was encoded

Transfer appropriate processing


What two theories of organization are based on similarity, and explain them

Exemplar:Every instance of a category is stored in memory

Prototype:Each category has an abstracted prototype that is pre-stored in memory


name the four building blocks of language and their function

Phonemes: smallest linguistic unit /d/, /o/, /g/ • English has a few dozen phonemes to produce morphemes

 Morphemes and Words: the smallest meaningful units of language /dog/

Syntax: rules that govern how words are arranged in a sentences

 Semantics: the meaning


Name the subcomponents of working memory and what makes them up 

The phonological loop: Phonological store: Passive store for verbal information Articulatory control loop: Active rehearsal of verbal information

Visuospatial sketchpad: The visual cache:  Information about visual features       The inner scribe: Information about spatial location, movement and sequences

Central executive: attentional control system


Long term memory has three subcomponents what are they and say what they do

Anoetic Consciousness -Implicit Memory-No awareness or personal engagement

Noetic Consciousness- Semantic Memory-Awareness but no personal engagement

Autonoetic Consciousness-Episodic Memory- Awareness AND personal engagement


What did the War of Ghost experiment show and how 

it showed that schemas impact the way we remember information and how we will change a story with multiple retrievals and it was shown by how hunting seals in the story became about fishing


How is knowledge stored in the brain and what system does it use

Knowledge is stored as sensorimotor neural representations and by using a symbol system


Name two aphasia and describe what they are and where they affect the brain and one paraphasia

Conduction aphasia: arcuate fascilus is affected- impaired repetition

Wernicke's aphasia: posterior superior temporal lobe- language is not meaningful or comprehensible

Broca's aphasia: left inferior frontal gyrus- impaired production and articulation- uses mostly nouns and verbs


 Verbal: substituting a word with something semantically-related • Shares meaning with intended word • Swapping term brother with sister

 Phonemic (literal): swapping or adding speech sounds • Shares sounds with intended word • Calling Crab Salad: Sad Cralad

 Neologisms: using a made-up word • Mansplain