Explain This
Define this or die
History/ school of thoughts
brain dead
What is wrong with this

What is the difference between Basic and applied research

Basic research is when we try to understand the world without a goal

applied research is when we are trying to find a particular solution



Understanding processes that produce complex behaviour


Who were the two earliest philosophers to talk about Cognition and what school of thought did they align with?

Aristotle: empiricism- knowledge  is only from experience

Plato: Rationalism- knowledge is the result or observation and prior reasoning


What sense does not go through the thalamus

Olfaction- it is directly connected to it's brain regions


Name a limit of behaviourism

It can't account for complex human behaviour- assumes learning is thesame for everyone


Why do we take longer to process certain things

because it is novel and we are uncertain of it so our brain must put more energy into solving it


Ecological validity

to what extent is this true in the world


Name the three earliest school of thoughts for experimental psych 

structuralism, functionalism, and behaviourism


Prosopagnosia is facial blindness but where has this damage occurred?

Fusiform face area


What is the issue with synaesthesia

it is a neuroligcal condition where a sense automatically triggers the experience of another


what type of representation does the eye get

contralateral representation, the right hemisphere perceives the left visual field


Perceptual filling in and a blindspot

Blindspot: a place at the optic nerve where there are no photoreceptors

perceptual filling in: the brain provides missing info from surronding areas


name the two school of thoughts of dealing with the mind and body issue, and a sub category 

dualism: Epiphenomenalism, interactionism

monism: idealism, neutral, materialsim


What are the two types of agnosia

Apperceptive agnosia- problems perceiving things

assocative agnosia: problems assignning meaning to obejects


what is the issue with inattentiaonl blindness and change blindness

Change blindness is the inability to detect changes in a scene • Inattentional blindness is not noticing something new in your focus of attention


What is the ventral and dorsal pathway and what are their pathways

For the eyes

The ventral pathway describes what something is - occipital to temporal lobe

The dorsal pathway describe where something is - occipital to parietal love



Cues indicate potential function of an object


Name all three theories of selective attention

load theory:Attentional filtering (selection) can occur at different points of processing 

late selection filter model: We process input to the level of the meaning, and then select what we want to process further

treisman's attenuator model:An early filter dials down the influence of unattended material • Some aspects of unattended material to be processed for meaning

Boadbent's early selection filter model: You filter information at the level of perception, before information is processed for meaning (semantic analysis)


What are the two disorders linked to imagery

Hyperphantasia- extremely vivid visual imagery and aphantasia- the complete inability to form mental images


What is akinetopsia and what is damage

It is visual motion blindness and the dorsal pathway is damaged


Balint syndrome is made up of 3 things what are they, and what part of the brain is damaged

Optic ataxia: problems with grasping or visual control 2. Oculomotor apraxia: Inability voluntarily shift gaze 3. Simultanagnosia: Inability to identify or use more than one object in a scene

Bilateral parietal and occipital lobe damage


What is the McGurk Effect

A multisensory illusion A voice articulating a consonant (/ba/) paired with a face articulating another one (/fa/) leads you to “hear” what you “see” A change in auditory perception from visual perception to reconcile these incongruent inputs


the imagery debate between kosslyn and plyshyn are between two representations what are they and define them?

Kosslyn (1994) Images are depictive representations. Analog codes that maintain perceptual and spatial characteristics of objects.

Pylyshyn (1973)Images are descriptive representations. Symbolic codes that convey abstract conceptual information; do not resemble the real world.


name all the main components of the ear (including sub units) and their job

Outer ear: pinna, ear canal- collects and focuses sound waves

Middle ear: Ossicles- malleus, incus, stapes- transfer and amplifies sound vibrations from outside to inside

inner ear: cochlea, basilar membrane, auditory nerve- converts sound vibrations into neural signal


What is blindsight

No conscious awareness of visual objects in their damaged visual field