The process of transforming our experiences, perceptions thoughts, or feelings into a storable form and getting it into storage.
What is encoding?
This person described personality as a conflict between our aggressive, pleasure seeking impulses and the internal social restraints against them.
Who is Freud.
Thoughts feelings or behavior that are 1) deviant 2) distressful 3) dysfunctional
What is a psychological disorder?
Causing someone to misremember an event by asking them carefully selected leading questions.
What is the misinformation effect?
The principle followed by the ego that states that behavior must take into account the state of the external world in addition to the needs and urges arising from withing.
What is the reality principle?
A psychological disorder that often involves delusions (i.e. false beliefs that don't mesh with reality), paranoid fears of persecution, and incoherent thoughts.
What is schizophrenia?
A form of sensory memory for auditory stimuli that lasts for up to 4 seconds.
What is echoic memory
The perspective emphasizing the interaction of people and their situations. Claimed that our behavior is strongly affected by what we think about our situations
What is the social-cognitive perspective?
The way people explain things that happen to them. For example, I didn't finish the race because I'm just not gifted with a genetically high aerobic capacity like the other runners.
What is explanatory style?
The tip of the tongue situation. Whenever a memory was properly encoded and stored but a lack of retrieval cues prevents you from recalling it.
What is retrieval failure?
A theory stating that personality can be reduced down to two dimensions.
What is Eysencks Basic Personality Dimensions?
A prolonged depressed mood or loss of interest in most daily activities. Between episodes the person can function normally.
What is major depression?
After moving to London you have a very difficult time driving on the left side of the road because you originally learned how to drive in the United States.
What is proactive interference?
Our environment influences the way we think. Then again, our personality and dispositions can cause us to choose which environment we place ourselves in. The environment we occupy is also dynamic in the sense that our behavior can change it.
What is reciprocal determinism?
This neurotransmitter is known to create hallucinations and paranoia that are often positive symptoms of schizophrenia.
What is dopamine?