Personality Disorders PT. 1
Personality Disorders PT. 2
Anxiety Disorders
PT. 1
Anxiety Disorders
PT. 2

Examples of this crisis are floods, fires, earthquakes, COVID-19, war, violent crimes like murder

Adventitious (Social)


I have a pattern of intense and chaotic relationships, lack a clear sense of self-identity, I have rapid mood swings and fear of abandonment, and I'm either directly or indirectly self destructive. What do I have?

I have borderline personality disorder


I really, really, really want friends, but the thought of rejection is enough for me to not make any. I'm awkward and uncomfortable in social situations because people are so critical, all they want to do is betray and humiliate me. I feel unwanted and lonely, and I'm angry that I can't do better. What do I have?

I have Avoidant Personality Disorder


What are the 2 most common phobias and when are they considered serious?

Agoraphobia and social phobia; when it starts to impact the patient's daily life


This disorder has a loss of body function that cannot be explained by any medical disorder or patho mechanism. It effects the voluntary motor or sensory functioning. Examples like paralysis, pseudocyesis, aphonia, seizures, coordination disturbances, swallowing difficulty, urinary retention, double vision, and hallucinations.

Conversion Disorder


Examples of this crisis are marriage, sending a kid to college, retirement, having a a baby



I have a profound defect in my ability to form personal relationships. Probably because I'm eccentric, isolated, and lonely. I'm pretty uncomfortable with human interaction, so I enjoy solitary activities. I have zero spontaneity, and people have described me as "bland" or "very serious". What do I have?

I have Schizoid Personality Disorder


I love being the center of attention! I need constant approval from others, and I'm pretty flirty to get what I need. I've never had a long-lasting relationship, but it's just because they couldn't handle how fun and carefree I am!! What do I have?

I have Histrionic Personality Disorder


I avoid activities that may result in a negative outcome, I need approval from others, and I have depression. I have persistent, unrealistic, and excessive anxiety for more than 6 months that isn't due to hyperthyroidism or caffeine intoxication. What do I have?

I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder


I have multiple personalities, or "alters", but only one of them is present at a time. Each of my alters is unique, and I found out about my disorder through therapy. What do I have?

I have Dissociative Identity Disorder.


Examples of this crisis are divorce, failing a test, diagnosis of a terminal illness, death of a loved one



I have zero feelings of guilt and I don't give a hoot about the rights of others. I have all the time in the world to spend breaking laws as I please, probably because I can't hold down a job. My favorite thing to do is exploit and manipulate others for
 my gain. I also have a history of substance abuse, depression, mania, and schizophrenia. What do I have? 

I have Antisocial Personality Disorder


I rule my life with an iron fist. I like rigid schedules, rules to follow, and I have to be perfect at all times. Sometimes my planning gets in the way of actually accomplishing my tasks, but I'm much better at time management than my inferior peers. At the end of the day, my worst fear is making a mistake. What do I have? 

I have Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder


I am constantly in fear that my body is sick, to the point where I have an inaccurate or unrealistic interpretation of my physical symptoms. The possibility of illness terrifies me, and I need constant reassurance that I am not sick. I like to doctor shop because no one takes my "symptoms" seriously. What do I have?

I have Illness Anxiety Disorder


I enjoy faking symptoms to get attention, and I've gotten so good at it that I usually get admitted when I seek care. I either exaggerate how bad my stomach hurts, or I'll even take something to induce the nausea and vomitting. What do I have?

I have Factitious Disorder.


List some possible nursing interventions

Assess for signs of psychosis or suicidal ideation (maintain patient safety), use therapeutic communication techniques, encourage patient to verbalize feelings, explore coping mechanisms, offer hope and empathy


When I was around 20, I started to believe that everyone was up to something, and that I couldn't trust anyone. I tend to be overly sensitive and misinterpret everything someone says as mean. I always think my partner is cheating, even though I can never prove it. But none of this is my fault, everyone else should treat me fairly so that I can be successful. What do I have?

I have Paranoid Personality Disorder


I'm the best that's ever existed. I've mastered the art at manipulating others to my will because I'm special and worth it. I'm pretty relaxed and cheerful, until my self esteem take a hit, then I rage. I pick partners who praise me and don't ask for a lot, because that works best for ME. What do I have?

I have Narcissistic Personality Disorder

What is the difference between PTSD and Acute Stress Disorder?

ASD has symptoms that are limited to 1 month following the trauma. If the symptoms of PTSD last longer than 1 month, it is PTSD. 


What should the nurse do when their patient is experiencing a panic attack?

Stay with the patient, reassure them, keep it short and to the point


What are the nursing outcomes for patients in a crisis?

The perception of the event is seen more objectively, more support systems are available to the patient, and coping mechanisms have improved and increased


My doc says I have "illogical thoughts", but the green leader on the moon told me that I'm the most sane being he's ever met! I have special powers, like telepathy, a sixth sense, and others can actually feel my feelings. Humans see me as aloof, isolated, and bland, and sometimes my speech pattern doesn't make sense to them. What do I have?

I have Schizotypal Personality disorder


I'm worthless, so I need other people to take care of me all the time, like Esme when she was in Grey's Anatomy. I hate being alone, even if it's just for five minutes. I pretty much let everyone do everything, like making decisions or anything that requires responsibility. I also have a twin. What do I have?

I have Dependent Personality Disorder.


Something is wrong with my body and no one believes me. The doctors say it's stress causing my tachycardia and anxiety that's causing my nausea, but I don't care. I spend hours and hours looking into my symptoms to find out what's wrong with me, but the doctors say my symptoms are vague or exaggerated. What do I have?

I have Somatic Symptom Disorder


What is the difference between localized, selective, and generalized amnesia?

Bonus points if you can say what a dissociative fugue is...

Localized- Unable to recall all things about the stressful event

Selective- Can only recall certain things following the trauma event for a while

Generalized- Total life/identity amnesia