The main cells of the nervous system that receive and transmit information
What are neurons?
The cell body of a neuron
What is soma?
The "little brain" responsible for balance and motor skills such as piano playing
What is the cerebellum?
The number of lobes in the brain
What is 4?
The chemical messengers that the nervous system uses to communicate
What are neurotransmitters?
Neurons that make contact with environment and detect changes
The part of a neuron that receives information
What are dendrites?
The main part of the brain that is responsible for higher mental processing
What is the cerebral cortex?
The back lobe of the brain that is responsible for visual processing
What is the occipital lobe?
The chemical messengers that the endocrine system uses to communicate
What are hormones?
Neurons that act as the link between environment and perception
The long part of a neuron that transmits information in the form of an action potential
What is axon?
Structure in brain that regulates activities such as eating, drinking, and sexual behavior
What is the hypothalamus?
The side lobes of the brain that function in auditory processing
What are temporal lobes?
The system responsible for moving your finger away from a flame
What is nervous system?
Neurons that produce a response to a stimulus
What are motor neurons?
The part of the neuron that releases chemicals to communicate with other neurons
What are terminal buttons?
What is the limbic system?
The front part of the brain that contains motor cortex and is essential for personality and planning
What is frontal lobe?
The system responsible for the fight-or-flight response
What is endocrine system?
Non-neuronal cells that provide protection and support for neurons
The protective covering of the axon
What is myelin sheath?
The part of the brain that acts as a meeting point for sensory input from various senses
What is the thalamus?
The top middle part of the brain that contains the somatosensory cortex
The system that determines gender and related characteristics
What is endocrine system?