The body's speedy, electrochemical communication network
A learned response that occurs involuntarily in anticipation of some stimulus, like when the dog salivated at the sound of a bell
Classical Conditioning
Explained the ID, Ego and Super Ego along with psychoanalysis
This recurring state of sleep is where vivid dreams occur
REM sleep
This is the only sense not tied directly to singular part of the brain
This defense mechanism is a refusal to accept reality
A clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event
Flashbulb Memory
Believed that people behaved due to conditioning even teaching pigeons to play ping pong
BF Skinner
Watching an organism in their natural habitat without any interference
Naturalistic Observation
Made up of 4 lobes, this is the body's ultimate control and information processing center
The Cerebral Cortex
This disorder is when someone is alternating between mania and depression
Bipolar Disorder
This attraction theory states that simply seeing someone constantly will make you like them and vice versa
Mere Exposure Effect
He ran the infamous Stanford Prison Experiment
Watson's maybe not so ethical experiment when he trained a child to be afraid of anything white.
Little Albert
In your eye, these are the things the process color and need bright light to function
A disorder where someone has bodily symptoms without any physical cause
Somatic Symptom Disorder
This motivation theory model says that psychological needs at the bottom must be completed before high level needs can be met
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
German professor who started the first formal laboratory for psychology
Wilhelm Wundt
This motivation theory says that performance increases with arousal but only up to a point, after which it decreases
Yerkes-Dodson Law
If someone has an impairment to understanding what is heard, that means there could be an issue to _____
Wernicke's area
Is someone suffers some eccentric, odd behaviors and is diagnosed with Paranoid, Schizoid or Schizotypal they fall into this cluster
Cluster A
The secret language of twins
The first female president of the APA
Mary Whiton Calkins
This is when people attribute positive events to their own character but attribute negative events to external factors. Ex. if you get this right, you'll praise yourself, if you get it wrong, you'll blame me
Self-Serving Bias