Descriptive vs. Injunctive norms.
A _____ bypasses behavioral choice and makes ERB easy or the default option.
What is a nudge?
The most effective prompts include a _____ for the desirable behavior.
What is a rationale?
The ABC process includes...
An Activator (feedforward), Behavior, and Consequence (feedback).
Attributional Bias
Evaluations are biased by presumed degree of effort or motivation.
Large scale behavior change requires these four steps...
Selection, Intervention, Evaluation, and Dissemination.
Self-serving Bias
"When I do wrong, it's external factors. When I do right, it's my personality."
If someone does a favor, one is more likely to comply or try to return a favor.
360-degree feedback
A part of organizational psychology where employees are happier when supervised by effective leaders, recognized for individual effort, feeling empowered, setting SMART(s) goals, comfortable work conditions, and more.
Similar to me error
Higher evaluations for those with characteristics similar to the rater.
Peter Principle
Getting promoted to a level of stagnancy, to which there is no higher level afterwards. Leaders don't fall victim to this.
Behavior therapies
Application of a principle to eliminate unwanted behavior.
Social influence principles
Consistency, Reciprocity, Ingratiation, Conformity, Authority, Scarcity, and Novelty.
One's loyalty to a group stifles an individual's identity and personal values.
Leniency errors
Evaluations are inflated to avoid negative interaction.
Five types of communication
Building a relationship, talking about future possibilities, define action, opportunities to perform action, and follow up.
Humanistic therapy
Unconditional positive regard, rapport, client centered, councilor.
Group Membership and Attribution
In-group bias and favoritism, group serving bias, social comparison, proximity and similarity, and stereotypes.
OCEAN of personnel Psychology
Halo Effect
After an initial positive impression, follow ups are favorable.
Five capabilities or competencies of EQ
Self-awareness, Self-regulation, Motivation, Empathy, Social skills.
Fundamental attribution error
"When others do wrong, it's their personality"
Four Levels of psychological safety
Inclusion, Learner, Contributor, and Challenger
Evaluations biased by generic characteristics of the one examined.
Affective Reactions
Evaluations are influenced by personal feelings towards the individual