Category 1
Category 2
Category 3
Category 4
Category 5

What approach has the three fundamental features of systematic empiricism, empirical questions, and public knowledge?



The factor or thing that is being changed or manipulated in an experiment

Independent Variable 


When one event is directly responsible for another event (Stronger than correlation)



The goal of many scientist’s research is to generalize findings from a sample of the larger ________



What is the best subject?



A controversial study is released that claims eating three almonds a day can cure all ailments. The study is criticized but the researchers maintain that their findings are accurate based on a few examples of its success. What is this an example of?



The statistical measure that describes the relationship/ association between two variables?



Which best describes the definition of simple random sample?

a) When participants and researchers are blind to independent variables

b) A population taken and divided into groups of similar people. 

c) Two variables that move up or down together in value

d) Selection by random chance; group representing the entire population.

d)  Selection by random chance; group representing the entire population.


A smaller group taken in from a larger population to examine for information, typically representative of the larger population.

A Sample


A psychologist wants to gather information or opinions about a group of people so they ask them a series of related questions



Researchers conduct a study where they are comparing the effects of two different diets on weight loss. One group follows a high-protein diet, while the other follows a low-carb diet. The participants on the high-protein diet tend to lose more weight than those on the low-carb diet. In this experiment, the exercise routine of the participants is the_____

a)  Dependent Variable
b)  Independent Variable
c)  Confounding Variable

Confounding Variable


 A psychologist runs a study where participants are selected at random from a pool of college students. Then each participant is randomly assigned a condition for the study. What kind of study is this?

Experimental study


: A hospital decides to run a research study on people with anxiety. Made of volunteers, two groups are selected based on the criteria that they have anxiety and are currently taking medication A. Group 1 continues taking medication A, while Group 2 starts taking medication B. The aim of the study is to determine if medication B is more effective than medication A. Is this an experimental or quasi-experiment design study?

Quasi-experimental design study; because participants were pre-selected on the basis they have anxiety and take medication A.


You find that you want to survey employees at a company, so you will divide them into groups based on the department that they are in (e.g., Marketing, Sales, IT). Then, you randomly select employees from a department to make sure that all departments are represented. What is this an example of?

Stratified Random Sampling 


 In your experiment, you test the effect of different amounts of water on the growth of flowers, you measure how much the flowers have grown in height after a set period of time. What is this an example of?

a) independent variable

b) empirical question

c) confounding variable

d) dependent variable

Dependent variable