
A patient reports fears of having cervical cancer and says to the nurse, “I’ve had Pap smears by six different doctors. The results are normal, but I’m sure that’s because of errors in the laboratory.” Which disorder would the nurse suspect?

What is Illness Anxiety Disorder


Nurses play an integral role in helping with depression through identifying at risk populations. Name 4 at risk populations.

What is hx of depression/suicide attempt, family hx of depression/ suicide, LGBTQ community, female, 40yr or younger, post partum, chronic medical illness, lack of support, ACE, SUD, Abuse


A nurse recognizes the following symptoms (distractibility, impulsivity, grandiosity, flight of ideas, activity increases, sleep diminished, talkative) as what condition

What is acute mania


A patient’s care plan includes monitoring for auditory hallucinations. Which assessment findings suggest the patient may be hallucinating?

What is darting eyes, tilted head, mumbling to self


Which medication would the nurse expect to be prescribed for a patient diagnosed with a somatic symptom disorder?

What is antidepressants


A nurse is caring for a patient diagnosed with somatic disorder and complaints of back pain the nurse should understand that what intervention is the priority?

What is perform a thorough physical exam


A patient diagnosed with major depressive disorder was hospitalized for 8 days. Treatment included six electroconvulsive therapy sessions and aggressive dose adjustments of antidepressant medications. What potential side effects should the nurse educate the client about?

What are headache, muscle soreness, nausea, temporary short term memory loss


Children with bipolar disorder often also experience this comorbid condition?

What is ADHD


A patient diagnosed with schizophrenia says, “High heat. Last time here. Did you get a coat?” How would the nurse document this in the chart?

What is associative looseness


A patient diagnosed with schizophrenia has taken fluphenazine 5 mg orally twice daily for 3 weeks. The nurse now assesses a shuffling, propulsive gait; a masklike face; and drooling. What term applies to these symptoms?

What is pseudoparkinsonism


A client states “Since my father died, I’ve been short of breath and had sharp shooting pains that go down my left arm, but I think it’s just indigestion.”. This statement is consistent with which somatic disorder?

What is Functional Neurological disorder


This biopsychosocial theory explains depression from an environmental, interpersonal, and live-events perspective combined with predisposition.

What is stress diathesis model of depression


A scientist explains what neuroanatomical factors are commonly seen in clients with bipolar disorder?

What are deficits in gray matter volume, white matter disorganization, decreased amygdala & hippocampal volume, dysfunctional prefrontal cortex & limbic system, 


A patient diagnosed with schizophrenia tells the nurse, “I eat skiller. Tend to end. Easter. It blows away. Get it?” What is the nurse’s best response.

What is I am having difficulty understanding what you are saying


A health teaching plan for a patient taking lithium should include which instructions and what labs are needed.

What is maintain normal salt and fluids in the diet, S&S of toxicity, take with food, avoid NSAIDS

Lithium level, kidney function, thyroid function


To assist a patient diagnosed with a somatic system disorder, which nursing intervention is of highest priority?

What is shifting the focus from somatic symptoms to feelings


A nurse is educating a client with depression on therapies that improve short term outcomes. Which two therapies in combination provide the best  outcomes?

What is psychotherapy and medication


The nurse caring for a client with acute mania recognizes that nursing care for this client in the planning phase includes what priorities? Name at least 3

What is: Decreasing excessive activity, maintaining intake and output, 4-6 hrs of sleep nightly, correction elimination problems, ensuring self care needs are met, medical management


A nurse taking care of a client with paranoid schizophrenia recognizes that their actions can be misinterpreted as suspicious or confrontational. The nurse implements what interventions in attempts to lessen this? 

What is sit next to not face to face with the client, avoid direct eye contact, provide food/drinks in closed containers, engage in noncompetitive, reality based activities


An acutely violent patient diagnosed with schizophrenia receives several doses of haloperidol. Two hours later the nurse notices the patient’s head rotated to one side in a stiffly fixed position; the lower jaw is thrust forward, and the patient is drooling. What intervention by the nurse is indicated and what medications should the nurse anticipate giving?

What is go to a quiet area and stay with the patient. Expect to give IM diphenhydramine or benztropine


To plan effective care for patients diagnosed with somatic system disorders, the nurse should understand that patients have difficulty giving up the symptoms because of what characteristic?

What is they provide relief from the anxiety


A nurse on a psychiatric unit understand that blockade of dopamine reuptake receptors cause what potential side effects?

What is decreased psychosis, psychomotor agitation, parkinsonian effect


Over the last 3 years a 37 year old female client is demonstrating tangential thinking, life of the party, voracious appetite, and sexual indiscretion along with periods of anhedonia, chronic fatigue and hypersomnia with decent social and occupational functioning. The nurse is concerned for what disorder?

What is cyclothymic disorder


The nurse caring for a client with schizophrenia in the community connects them with a program that assists in relapse prevention, increasing social & vocational functioning, and keeping the client in community. What is the name of the program?

What is Program of Assertive Community Treatment (PACT) or Assertive Community Treatment (ACT)


A client presents to the ER with hyponatremia, diaphoresis, hyperreflexia and vitals at 0900 are  102F, 122 P 22R, 150/98 BP 95% at 1000 102.1 F, 118 P, 24 RR, 112/50 BP 92% . What orders does the nurse anticipate for this client? Name 4

What is IV fluids, antipyretics, benzos or dantrolene, cyproheptadine, BB, cooling measures