What do you do after talking with a patient who endorses suicidal ideation?
Tell the RN or Doctor
Involuntary movement of face, arms legs or neck
Repeating main idea from patient's response
Lithium level range and congenital defect it will cause if taken during pregnancy.
Congenital heart defects
Needs to be center of attention. Uncomfortable if they are not the center of attention. Dramatic
Patients have to be a _________ to themselves or others to meet criteria for admission
Inner restlessness that causes a person to feel an intense, uncontrollable urge to move, often in their lower body.
Giving encouragement to continue. Includes verbal and non-verbal.
offering general leads. "Go on...." , nodding
Valproic Acid Range and birth defect that can happen when taken during pregnancy?
includes a 20-fold increase in neural tube defects, cleft lip and palate, cardiovascular abnormalities, genitourinary defects, developmental delay, ...
Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment
Self-harm, staff split, pattern of unstable relationships, impulsive, re-current suicidal behavior, chronic feelings of emptiness
Generally is developed with chaotic homelife
Borderline Personality Disorder
Encouraging patient to use coping skills, allowing patient space, offering prn medications, talk with patient
This is characterized by rapid exaggerated changes in mood. Experiences strong emotions and feels like they can’t control their behavior and feelings. You will express your emotions more dramatically than usual. Mood is up and down through out the day
Labile Mood
Acknowledging and indicating awareness of someone and their actions
Giving recognition
Name 3 atypical anti-psychotics
Quetiapine, clozapine, Abilify, Invega, Risperdal and Olanzapine, Ziprasidone, Latuda
Grandiose sense of self-importance, belief they are special, need for excessive admiration and have a lack of empathy
Narcissistic personality disorder
What personality disorder has increased chance of self-harm and suicidal ideation?
Borderline Personality Disorder
Difference between euthymic and euphoric mood?
Euthymic mood or feeling of being optimistic and in control, where a person is doing well, tranquil, functioning.
Euphoric is a feeling or state of intense excitement and happiness.
Introducing an unrelated topic into the interaction
Changing the subject
What specific lab is needed in order to administer Clozaril?
Absolute Neutrophil Count.
Value needs to be 2.
If not, blood will be drawn a 2 pm (WBC recycle at this time)
Or can add small dose of Lithium (leukocytosis). Vitamin C & Zinc
Has no desire for close relationships, isolates, shows emotional detachment
What are the 5 levels of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?
Physiologic needs
Safety and security
Love and belonging
Self actualization
What is the difference between Tardive Dyskinesia and EPS?
EPS - usually appears with onset of medication and can impact entire body. Can be treated
Tardive Dyskinesia - Develops after longer period of time exposed to anti-psychotic. EPS can turn into Tardive Dyskinesia if not treated or medication changed/reduced.
Persistently questioning the patient in an area they do not want to discuss
4 side effects of taking an anti-psychotic
Increased cholesterol, metabolic syndrome (weight gain/increased B/P, increased triglycerides), changes in QT interval, increase chance of becoming diabetic
Disregard for violation of other's rights. Failure to conform to society's norms and laws. Manipulation of others to meet their own needs, reckless disregard for safety of others, lack of remorse
Anti-Social Personality Disorder