What College Degree is needed to become a Psychiatrist?
A Bachelor's degree
True/False: A Psychiatrist may prescribe medications as part of treatment.
Where are 2 places a Psychiatrist may work at?
Private practices, general and psychiatric hospitals, university medical centers, community agencies, courts and prisons, nursing homes, industry, government, military settings, schools and universities, rehabilitation programs, emergency rooms, or just Hospitals
What System Does a Psychiatrist Work on?
The Nervous System
What is the Job Outlook of a Psychiatrist?
9% growth
What is a Psychiatrist?
a medical doctor which specializes in Psychiatry
What type of school do psychiatrist attend after they pass their MCAT?
Medical School
True/False: Most Medical institutions require at least a Postgraduate degree
The minimum requirement for much of medical institutions is a Bachelor's Degree
Bonus: A psychiatrist who works with children and teenagers specializes in this field.
(Won't lose points if wrong answer, don't overthink the answer)
Children and Adolescent Psychiatry or Pediatric Psychiatry
What must a psychiatrist obtain to legally practice medicine in the United States?
A Medical License
True/False, a Psychiatrist must at least have a degree of education in one accompanying system other than their primary one (Ex. Circulatory system)
What is the Primary Role of a Psychiatrist?
Diagnosing and treating mental health disorders
What is 1 of 2 medical degrees that a Psychiatrist acquires?
Complete Doctor of Medicine (MD) or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) Degree
What is the average Annual salary of a Psychiatrist? (range between 5,000)
This type of therapy involves talking to patients to help them understand and manage their conditions.