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What is the primary drive of the id?
The id seeks immediate gratification.
What is the id?
The id is the instinctual, pleasure-seeking part of the mind.
What did Freud believe dreams reveal?
Freud believed dreams reveal hidden desires and conflicts, acting as "the royal road to the unconscious."
What method is linked to psychoanalytic theory?
Psychoanalysis, using free association and transference.
What does the ego do?
The ego mediates between the id’s desires and reality, ensuring socially acceptable behavior.
What did Freud introduce?
Unconscious mind and defense mechanisms.
What personal fears did Freud have?
Freud feared trains and the number 62, and he studied these fears as part of his theory.
What shift did Freud make in his studies?
From brain studies to the psyche and its treatment.
How does the ego manage the desires of the id?
The ego makes realistic decisions.
How do the id, ego, and superego interact?
They interact by balancing instinct, reality, and morality to shape behavior.
How did Freud influence other fields?
It impacted art, literature, and culture.
What are Freudian slips and what do they indicate?
Freudian slips are mistakes in speech that Freud believed reveal hidden thoughts or desires.
What did Freud emphasize in development?
The impact of childhood events on adult mental health.
What role does the superego play in decision-making?
The superego guides moral decisions.
What role does the superego play?
The superego represents moral standards and societal values, striving for perfection.
What are Freud’s main criticisms?
Lack of evidence, overemphasis on sexuality, outdated ideas.
What method did Freud find more effective than hypnosis?
Freud found analyzing childhood memories to be more effective than hypnosis in understanding the unconscious.
When did psychoanalytic theory gain prominence?
In the late 20th century, after the 1960s.
How do the id, ego, and superego interact to shape behavior?
They interact to shape behavior and personality.
What motivates the id?
The id is motivated by immediate gratification of basic desires.
Why is Freud’s theory still important?
It remains a key starting point for understanding the mind.