These are the most widely used diagnostic classification/coding systems in the world.
What are the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-5) and the ICD (International Classification of Diseases-11)?
The full name of the WRAT
What is the Wide Range Achievement Test?
This type of validity explores the relation between one measure and another established measure of the same construct
What is concurrent validity?
A test battery designed specifically to measure a variety of cognitive abilities among individuals with schizophrenia
What is the MATRICS Consensus Cognitive Battery (MCCB)?
Sentence Completion, Draw-A-Person, Thematic Apperception Test, and ink blot tests
What are projective techniques?
This is used for the initial evaluation of a client's appearance, mood, thought content, and judgement
What is the Mental Status Exam?
A standardized academic achievement test used to measure previously learned knowledge in the areas of Reading, Written Language, Mathematics, and Oral Language.
What is the Wechsler Individual Achievement Test?
What are the Weschler scales?
A popular personality test that is not considered valid and reliable among experts; this test summarizes someone's personality profile with a series of letters such as ENFJ (Extraversion, Intuition, Feeling, Judging)
What is the Myers-Briggs?
This is one commonly used diagnostic interview for children discussed in class.
What is the K-SADS (Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia)?
This is the model that defines learning disabilities by comparing a child's intellectual ability with their academic progress.
What is the aptitude-achievement discrepancy model?
Standard score referring to the percentage of people falling below an individual's score on a test
What is a percentile rank?
Term used to describe attention, memory, and organizational skills measured by neuropsychological tests
What is executive functioning?
This is a formal plan for school-age students requiring special education, where academic/achievement testing is incorporated to guide interventions and individually-tailored supports.
What is an Individualized Education Program (IEP)?
A T score of 60, and an IQ score of 115
What standardized scores are one standard deviation above the mean?
This adult diagnostic interview system has one form for clinical diagnoses and another form for personality disorders.
What is the SCID-5?
This model, when incorporated with the low achievement model, is thought to be the best strategy for evaluating learning disabilities in children and adolescents.
What is the response to intervention (RTI) model?