Personality Theories
Personality Disorders
Anxiety Disorders
Motivation and Emotion
Eating Disorders

What does the Psychoanalytic Theory focus on? 

Psychoanalytic Theory focuses on how the subconscious mind affects our actions and desires


What do people with a personality disorder struggle with?

social norms, social environments , meaningful relationships, and social responsibilities


What does Obsession and Compulsion mean in OCD? 

Obsession- an acute form of anxiety wherer the person thinks the same thoughts over and over again in an uncontrollable pattern

Compulsion- When a person is repeatedly performing coping behaviors in order to reduce the distress


 What is Instinct Theory, and what is the problem with this theory? 

Humans are motivated by a variety of instincts. The problem is that it cannot explain motivational behavior, and it can only label it.


What are the three eating disorders? 

Anorexia, binge-eating, and bulimia


What does Behaviorism focus on? What are the other two theories that are similar to this theory, and what do the focus on/believe in? 

Behaviorism focuses on observable behaviors, rewards, and punishments, Social Learning and Self- Efficacy, Social Learning focuses on how observations shapes personality and Self Efficacy believes that a person can be able to affect their own lives. 


What are the four core characteristics of personality disorders? 

extreme and distorted thinking patterns, problematic emotional response patterns, impulse control problems, and significant interpersonal patterns.


Is PTSD an anxiety disorder? 

No. It is an trauma disorder.


What is Drive-Reduction Theory and its problem? 

Drive-Reduction Theory suggests that behaviors are designed to obtain something that an organism needs. The problem is that it accounts for physical but not social motivation. 


What is Anorexia?

The restriction of energy intake relative to requirements leading to a significant low body weight. 


What does Cognitive Theory attempt to explain?

Cognitive Theory attempts to explain human behavior by explaining the human thought process. 


What is Borderline Personality Disorder's typical features? 

Unstable self-image, unstable personal relationships, inconsistent personal goals, accompanied by impulsivity, risk-taking, and hostility. 


What is Stress Response System? What part of the brain takes over when this happens? 

a built-in alarm system designed to detect a threat and keep us safe. The emotional part of the brain takes over. 


What is Incentive and Cognitive Theory? 

The Incentive and Cognitive Theory argues that people are motivated to obtain positive incentives and to avoid negative incentives. 


What is Binge Eating? 

Lack of control over eating 


What does Humanistic theory believe in? 

People have the freedom and natural will to change their behaviors. 


What are Antisocial Personality Disorder's characteristics? 

irresponsible, shallow emotions, lack of conscious


What is PTSD? 

a disorder in which victims of traumatic events experience the original event in the form of a dream/ flashbacks. 


What is Risk Homeostasis? 

an acceptable level of risk that they find tolerable


What is Bulimia? 

Eating an amount of food that is definitely larger than normal, and purging


Which Personality Theory is Id, Ego, and Superego a part of? 



What are Narcissistic Personality Disorder's characteristics? 

inflated ego, need for attention, repressed insecurities, lack of empathy, few boundaries


A person can be deeply engrossed in an activity/hobby without being OCD. When does this become a problem? 

It becomes a problem when these thoughts or activities interfere with what a person wants or needs to accomplish. 


What is the difference between needs, drives, habits, motives, and behaviors? 

Needs- a lack of something necessary, desirable, or useful

Drives- an urgent basic need pressing for satisfaction

Habits- a settles or regular tendency or practice

Motives- a reason for doing something

Behaviors- the way in which one acts or conducts oneself


What is purging? 

behaviors to prevent weight gain