Psychology as a profession
Parenting Styles
Nature Vs. Nurture
Personality Disorders

What are three subfields of psychology? 

  • School psychologists

  • Educational psychologists

  • Developmental Psychologist 

  • Rehabilitation psychologist 

  • Health Psychologist 

  • Environmental Psychologist 

  • Industrial Psychologist 

  • Community Psychologist 

  • Forensic Psychologist 


What is Developmental Psychology ? 

  • The study of how humans develop and why the develop as they do


What is Authoritarian Parenting Style?

  1. Parents are the bosses of the home

  2. Parents do not believe they need to provide explanations for their actions or demands. 

  3. Most likely to utilize strong disciplinary methods 


What are Genetics?

  • Genetics 

  1. Physical appearance 

  2. Biological Influences 


How many personality disorders are there?

There are 12 Personality Disorders according to the DSM 5


What are Psychologists? 

Trained to observe, analyze, and emulate behavior


When does Fetal Development start? 

Begins long before a baby is born


What is Democratic/Authoritative Parents ? 

  1. Children are able to participate in decision making -- especially decisions that affect their lives. 

  2. Parents listen to their children

  3. Parents make an effort to explain the reasons/expectations behind certain decisions 

  4. Punishment is a mix between strict enforcement and gentler methods: example: mixing spankings with time-outs


What is Nature?

  • Scientists continue to debate whether human behavior is instinctive ( due to heredity) or learned (due to the environment). Many believe it is a combination of both. 

  • Genes are the basic units of heredity. Typical DNA includes 46 chromosomes, which are grouped into 23 pairs. 

  • A genotype is the set of genes within a person’s body

  • A phenotype is the outward expression of a person’s genes. 

  • Chromosomal abnormalities can cause conditions such as Down syndrome, sickle cell anemia, and cystic fibrosis. 


How do you  Diagnose Personality Disorders?

  • 4 core characteristics of personality disorders:

  1. Extreme and distorted thinking patterns 

  2. Problematic emotional response patterns

  3. Impulse control problems 

  4. Significant interpersonal problems 


What are clinical psychologists? 

  • Clinical Psychologists : help people deal with personal problems

               -  Private offices, mental hospitals, prisons, etc.


What abilities do newborns have ? 

  • Newborns have the ability to see, hear, smell, and respond to the environment 


What is Permissive or “Laissez-faire” families ?

  1. Parents may attempt to set rules and regulations, but they give in when children insist on having their own way 

  2. Children essentially are their own rule makers

  3. Discipline in these types of families are usually given only in times of extreme frustration 


What is Nurture? 

  • External Factors

  • Parenting style: Authoritative parenting style, authoritarian parenting style, permissive parenting style, and neglectful parenting style. 

  • Life experience -  Experiences / Knowledge gained through living and interacting with the environment

  • Culture - The customs, arts, social institutions of a particular social group 


What is Antisocial? 

  • Antisocial personality Disorder: 

  1. A personality disorder characterized by irresponsibility, shallow emotions, and lack of a conscious

  2. Antisocial people tend to be callous and unemotional ; they treat people as objects and feel no shame or guilt for breaking the social rules

What are Counseling psychologists? 
  • Counseling Psychologists : help people deal with problems of everyday life

                  -   Own office, schools, etc. 


What is the critical Period? 

  1. Critical Period - a period of time where someone is most able to learn a new skill 


What is Neglectful/Uninvolved Parents?

  1. Parents who are essentially egocentric in their child-rearing

  2. Uncommitted to their roles as parents

  3. Quite distant to their children 


What is personality? 

  • Personality

  1. Consistent, enduring, and unique characteristics of a person


What are characteristics pf BPD? 

  • Identity 

  1. Unstable or mixed identity 

  2. Chronic feelings of emptiness and excessive self-criticism 

  • Self Direction 

  1. Instability in goals, aspirations, values, career plans 

  • Empathy

  1. Compromised ability to recognize the feelings/needs of others

  • Intimacy 

  1. Intense, unstable, conflicted close relationships 


How do psychology and psychiatry differ?

  • Psychiatrist can prescribe medications, Psychologist cannot prescribe


What is the intellectual Schemas? 

  • Intellectual Schemas - a “framework” a person uses to make sense of the world


What are the four main Parenting Styles? 

  • Authoritarian Parenting Style

  • Democratic/Authoritative Parents

  • Permissive or “Laissez-faire” families 
  • Neglectful/Uninvolved Parents


What is attitude? 

  • Attitude 

  1. A certain way of thinking or feeling about something. Typically reflected in a person’s behavior


What is tolerance? 

  • Tolerance: Physical adaptation to a drug so that a person needs an increased amount in order to product the original effect