What brain chemical sits in between synapses?
What is Serotonin?
Who is the first to nurture you as a newborn?
Who is your mother
What part of the brain controls sleep.
What is the hypothalamus.
What is maturation?
What is aging, changing, growing.
Who are Pavlov's dogs and why?
What is Pavlov's experiment about conditioning.
What chemical gives you feelings of pleasure, satisfaction and motivation?
What is dompamine?
Name 3 adults who provide nurturing to children
Who are parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, teachers.
What part of the brain controls love and hate.
What is the hypothalamus
What role does time play in the maturation process?
How does time provide experiences that promote growth and change.
Why is your ego so important?
What is maturation, self-monitoring, self- esteem, etc.
What are the 4 pleasure hormones in the brain?
What is Serotonin, dopamine, endorphins, and oxytocin
Are genetics related to nature?
What is yes.
What part of the brain is affected by dementia?
What is the Frontal Lobe?
How does a tree demonstrate maturation within it's trunk?
What are rings
What are 3 types of psychology?
What is social psychology, developmental psychology, evolutionary psychology, behavioral psychology
What triggers dopamine?
What is pleasure
Is the ability to understand language nature or nurture?
What is nature
What part of the brain controls emotions?
What is hypothalamus, hippocampus, amygdala, and limbic cortex
How does wine demonstrate the maturation process?
What are the 4 main ideas of Psychology?
What is describe, explain, predict, and change or control the mind and behavior of others
What depletes dopamine the most?
What is stress?
Is ADHD nature or nurture?
What is nature.
What are the three main parts of the brain.
What is cerebrum, cerebellum, and brainstem
Maturation in humans includes time and _______________
What is experience
What is the difference between free will and determinism?
How does making your own decisions compare to not having any choice.