Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

the scientific study of thought and behavior.

What is psychology


a group participating of those participants who will receive the treatment or whatever is predicted to change behavior

What is the experimental group


The part of the nervous system that comprises the brain and the spinal cord.

What is the central nervous system


Inner ear sensory receptors for sound that transduce sound vibrations into neural impulses

What are hair cells


Substances that can disrupt normal prenatal development and cause lifelong deficits

What are teratogens


the view that all knowledge and thoughts come from experience.

What is empiricism


in an experiment, the outcome or response to the experimental manipulation

What is the dependent variable. 


The impulse of positive charge as it runs down an axon

What is the action potential


The lowest intensity level of a stimulus a person can detect half of the time. 

What is the absolute threshold


The strong emotional connection that develops early in life between infants and their caregivers. 

What is attachment


the position that the environment constantly interacts with biology to shape who we are and what we do.

What is nature through nurture


the rules governing the conduct of a person or group in general or in a specific situation or, more simply, standards of right and wrong

What are ethics


A long projection that extends from the neuron's soma; it transmits electrical impulses towards the adjacent neuron and stimulates the release of neurotransmitters.

What is the axon


The ability to see things in 3 dimensions and to discriminate what is near and what is far.

What is depth perception


The degradation of synapses and dying off of neurons that are not strengthened by experience

What is pruning


the study of how people experience physical stimuli such as light, sound waves, and touch

What is psychophysics


A specific, informed and testable prediction of the outcome of a particular set of conditions in a research design

What is the hypothesis


The study of changes in the way that genes are turned on or off, without a change in the sequence of dna

What is epigenetics


A complex emotional and sensory experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage.

What is pain


Piaget's third stage of cognitive development, which spans ages 6-11, during which the child can preform mental operations, such as reversing, on real objects or events. 

What is the Concrete operational stage


Inherited solutions to ancestral problems that have been selected for because they contribute in some way to reproductive success

What are adaptations


a property that is manipulated by the experimenter under controlled conditions to determine whether it causes the predicted outcome of the experiment.

What is the independent variable


The development of new neurons

What is neurogenesis

Cells in the retina, called rods and cones, that convert light energy into nerve energy

What are photoreceptors


Piaget's final stage of cognitive development, from ages 11 or 12 on through adulthood, when formal logic is possible.

What is the formal operational stage