Scientific Method
Methods of Research
Careers in Psychology
Ethics in Research
This is the variable that is manipulated during an experiment.
What is independent variable?
This is a research technique that questions a large sample of people to assess their behaviors and mental processes.
What is a survey?
Name a type of career in psychology and describe what they do.
Answers vary.
This term is used to describe when all information acquired about a participant during a study is kept private.
What is confidentiality?
These are the three perspectives in psychology.
What is biological, intrapsychic, and social/behavioral/cultural?
A psychologist is doing an observation on the mating rituals of lions, attempting to make connections between the actions the lions and it's cousin the house cat. This is what type of psychologist?
What is comparative psychologist?
Name and define the three type of research methods.
What is descriptive, correlational, and experimental.
This type of psychologist specializes in the evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of mental disorder.
What is clinical psychologist?
This is when a participant agrees to take part in a study after being told what to expect.
What is informed consent?
Sarah wanted to train her dog to come when they were called. Every time she called her dog and it came to her she immediately gave the dog a treat. At first, the dog needed to be called several times before it came to her. Eventually, the dog learned to come immediately every time. What is the activity called?
What is reinforcement?
A person is feeling mentally ill and goes to see a psychologist to receive help for this. Before proposing a treatment plan the psychologist uses several techniques in order to determine which type of approach would be best. This is what type of perspective?
What is eclectic?
This is a number ranging from -1.00 to +1.00 that indicates the strength of the relationship between two variables.
What is correlation coefficient?
This type of psychologist applies principles of psychology to enhance physical performance.
What is a sports psychologist?
This is a discussion procedure that takes place after the completion of the study where participants are informed about the study's design and purpose.
What is debriefing?
This is the area of psychology Freud is known for founding, this is an approach to understanding behavior and mental processes focusing on unconscious processes.
What is psychoanalytic?
These are the four main goals of psychology?
What is Describe, Explain, Predict, Change?
This is a variable that is not being controlled during an experiment and could contaminate the results.
What is confounding variable?
This type of psychologist studies how biological, psychological, and social factors, affect health and illness.
What is a health psychologist?
A researcher conducts a study on causes of cheating in relationships. During the study, a participant states that they are currently having an extra-marital affair and that their spouse is unaware. The researcher writes a letter to their spouse telling them what is going on. Is this ethical? Why or why not?
No, because it is unethical to divulge a person's private information collected during a study.
Describe the Milgram study.
An experiment that tested how people respond to authority figures.Participants were required to shock individuals who answered questions wrong, increasing the voltage after each wrong answer.
A scientist is testing how color affects taste perception, what is the independent and dependent variable?
What is IV: color, DV: taste
A psychologist is looking to eliminate participant and researcher bias from their experiment. Name the type of study this would be.
What is a double-blind study?
This type of psychologist studies the processes of education and works to promote the academic, intellectual, social, and emotional development of children in the school environment.
What is educational psychologist?
A researcher is describing to a potential participant the nature of the study, what to expect, and possible consequences of the study. Earlier that day the researcher didn't drink as much coffee as normal and forgot to mention to the participant that there is a possibility they could get hiccups lasting up to an hour. Did the researcher break the rules for ethics? Why or why not?
Yes, because the researcher must inform the participant of all possible consequences.
Fill in the blanks: In a normal curve _____% of people fall within ___ standard deviation(s) of the mean score.
What is 68% and 1 standard deviation?