Test Questions 1
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Test Questions 3
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Test Questions 5
This is what we call the study of behavior and mental processes.
What is psychology?
This early approach to scientific psychology emphasized the purpose of behavior and consciousness.
What is functionalism?
This perspective emphasizes how the environment and experience affect a person's actions.
What is the learning perspective?
This is the name of psychologist who conduct research in order to seek knowledge for its own sake.
What is basic psychologists?
Critical thinking may be defined as....
What is using evidence to make objective judgments?
The main difference between pseudoscience and psychology is this.
What is psychology is based on rigorous scientific research and pseudoscience is based on false science.
This is both a theory of personality and a method of psychotherapy orginally formulated by Sigmund Freud that emphazies unconscious motives and conflicts.
What is psychoanalysis?
This perspective emphasizes mental processes, such as perception, memory, language, or problem solving.
What is the cognitive perspective?
Psychologists who conduct psychological research to study issues that have direct practical significance work in this.
What is applied psychology?
A statement that attempts to predict or to account for a set of phenomena is called this.
What is a hypothesis?
In the field of psychology we use this type of evidence.
What is empirical evidence?
This perspective emphasizes bodily events and changes associated with thoughts, feelings, and actions.
What is the biological perspective?
This type of psychologist will examine the roots of one's personality to uncover unresolved conflicts from one's past.
What is a psychodynamic psychologist?
This type of psychologists generally help people deal with problems of everyday life, such as test anxiety, family conflicts, or low job motivation.
What is a counseling psychologist?
The question "Why is this the way it is?" illustrates which of the following critical thinking guidelines?
What is ask questions and be willing to wonder?
Empirical evidence is derived from careful observation, experimentation, and.......?
What is measurement?
This type of psychologist studies how physical events interact with environmental events to produce memories, perceptions, and behavior.
What is a biological psychologist?
According to the psychodynamic perspective, human behavior is understood by this....
What is looking at inner forces, conflicts, and instincts?
Dr. Garcia is trained to diagnose and treat mental and emotional problems. Dr. Garcia this type of psychologist.
What is clinical psychologist?
This man is credited for developing psychoanalysis.
What is Sigmund Freud?
Wilhem Wundt is best know for this.
What is establishing the first psychology laboratory in Leipzig, Germany?
Thie psychological perspective emphasizes adaptive mechanisms that develop in humans and that map help explain human commonalities in cognition, development, emotion, and social practices.
What is the evolutionary perspective?
This is a movement in psychology that emphasizes free will, personal growth, and the achievment of human ptotential.
What is humanist psychology?
Dr. Braun has been treating a child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. She deicides to write a perscription for Ritalin. Given this information, it is most likely that Dr. Braun is.....
What is a psychiatrist?
In your opinion, are subliminal messages effective?
What is it is your opinion?