Ch.7- States of Consciousness
Ch.8- Learning
Ch. 9- Memory
Ch. 10- Thinking and Language
Sleep deprivation has been shown to: a) increase attentiveness to highly motivating tasks. b) reduce hypertension. c) diminish immunity to disease. d) do all of the above.
What is letter c--diminish immunity to disease.
In Pavlov's experiments with dogs, salivation was the: a. intermittent b. partial c. negative d. continuous
What is letter d-- continuous
Memory is .. a. clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event. b. persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information. c. processing of information into the memory system. d.retention of encoded information over time
What is b, persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information?
Tendency for our preexisting opinions distort our sense if whether a particular conclusion is logically valid is called..
What is Belief Bias?
Nightmares are to (?) as night terrors are to (?). a) REM sleep; Stage 4 sleep b) narcolepsy; sleep apnea c) delta waves; alpha waves d) Stage 4 sleep; Stage 1 sleep e) Stage 1 sleep; REM sleep
What is letter c-- delta waves; alpha waves
The presentation of an aversive stimulus or the removal of a positive stimulus are both examples of a. negative reinforcement. b. punishment. c. positive reinforcement. d. secondary reinforcement.
What is letter b-- punishment.
Define encoding.. a.processing of information into the memory system. b.process of getting information out of memory storage c.retention of encoded information over time. d.activated memory that holds a few items briefly, such as the seven digits of a phone number.
What is a, processing of information into the memory system?
Trying to solve a potentially complicated problem quickly, we are most likely to rely on..
What is heuristics?
Which of the following in not a theory of dreaming mentioned in the text? a) Dreams facilitate information processing. b) Dreaming stimulates the developing brain. c) Dreams result from random neural activity originating in the brainstem. d) Dreaming is an attempt to escape from social stimulation.
What is letter d-- Dreaming is an attempt to escape from social stimulation.
After weeks of successful extinction trials, your pet dog suddenly resumes burying bones in the front yard. Your pet therapist advises you that the dog's behavior is an example of a. token reinforcement. b. stimulus generalization. c. spontaneous recovery. d. satiation.
What is letter c-- spontaneous recovery.
The three steps in memory information processing are: a.Encoding, Short-Term Memory, Sneezing. b.Short-Term Memory, Long-Term Memory, Staring. c.Encoding, Storage, Sleep d.Encoding, Storage, Retrieval.
What is d, Encoding, Storage, Retrieval?
Dividing broad concepts into increasingly smaller and detailed sub groupings, we create...
What is Category Hierarchies?
The claim that hypnotic phenomena are regulated by normal conscious control processes is associated with the theory that hypnosis involves: a) paradoxical sleep b) dissociation c) slow-wave sleep d) role playing
What is letter d-- role playing
Teaching your cat to turn on the living room lights would best be accomplished by a. spontaneous recovery. b. shaping. c. classical conditioning. d. extinction.
What is letter b-- shaping.
Visual sensory memory is referred to as: a.Photo Memory b.Echoic Memory c.Iconic Memory d.Semantic Memory
What is C, Iconic Memory?
Very difficult to get someone to change their unrealistically negative self-image. Best illustrates..
What is Belief Perseverance?
Dan has recently begun using an addictive, euphoria-producing drug. Which of the following will probably occur if he repeatedly uses this drug? a) As tolerance to the drug develops, Dan will experience increasingly pleasurable "highs." b) The dosage needed to produce the desired effect will decrease. c) After each use, he will become more and more depressed. d) Dependence will become less of a problem.
What is letter c-- After each use, he will become more and more depressed.
Two principles of conditioning that have aided our learning and improved our adaptability as a species are a. stimulus generalization and stimulus discrimination. b. spontaneous recovery and extinction. c. lower order and higher order conditioning. d. extinction and inhibition.
What is letter a-- stimulus generalization and stimulus discrimination.
Which of the following is not a measure of retention? a.Relearning b.Recognition c.Recall d.Retrieval
What is a, Relearning?
17 month of age, Julie says "wads: whenever she wants a drink of water. Julie is most likely _____ stage of language development..
What is One-word?