Psych History
Notable People
Psychological Perspectives
Neurons and the Nervous System

The procedure during which a hole was chipped into a person's skill to release "evil spirits."

What is Trephining?


One of the forefathers of Psychology, who proposed theories about the subconscious. Some call him a psycho, and suggest that he had a dynamic personality.

Who is Sigmund Freud?


Feeling excessively angry? Behaving differently than usual? Try some medication, or perhaps look for a brain lesion. These are some of the suggestions of this perspective.

What is the Neuroscience Perspective?


This neurotransmitter is responsible for making us feel rewarded, and is released when we do enjoyable things. Oreos are helpful!

What is Dopamine?


This is the space between two neurons, where chemical messages are passed from one neuron to the next.

What is a synapse?


Psychology became an official field of study during this century.

What is the 19th century?


The first person to create an experimental psychology lab, which took place in Germany. He also proposed Structuralism and the concept of introspection.

Who is Wilhelm Wunt?


This perspective says that a person's thoughts, interpretations and past experiences are the cogs in the wheel that drive current behaviors. Don't overthink this one!

What is the Cognitive Perspective?


This type of neurotransmitter tells the next neuron in line to fire! How thrilling!

What are excitatory neurotransmitters?

A neuron's axon, which is responsible for carrying electrical messages, is insulated with this - composed of a fatty protein substance.

What is myelin?


Prior to the use of modern medicine, crude procedures such as bleeding patients or using blistering salves aimed to balance this - the proposed root of psychological problems.

Body Fluids


A historical figure who first proposed the four temperaments. Don't be too cheerful though, he may suggest bloodletting to diminish your sanguine personality!

Who is Hippocrates?


The perspective that suggests that behavior is determined by a person's needs and the desire to maintain homeostasis. Observable action is also the key to the human psyche.

What is the Behavioral Perspective?


A whopping 90% of this neurotransmitter is produced in the gut. Too much at once can produce the sensation of nausea - ironically, this is because the neurotransmitter is trying to reduce feelings of stress.

What is Serotonin?


The central nervous system, which is the primary means of transmitting signals between the brain and the body, is composed of these two structures.

What are the brain and the spinal cord?
America's first psychiatric hospital opened in 1773, following the example of these two countries.
What are France and England?
The French Philosopher who believed that nerves were hallow tubes, through which "animal spirits" passed in order to transmit messages.

Who is Rene Descartes?


This perspective says that human thought process and behaviors are determined by the need for fulfillment and one's desire to grow. Individual choices are seen as a part of the human experience!

What is the Humanistic Perspective?


This inhibitory neurotransmitter functions as the "off" switch to glutamate, and helps us to calm down. Many anti-anxiety medications work to make it function more efficiently. Don't bother to try to get it from supplements or food - there's not enough to pass the blood-brain barrier.

What is Gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA)?


Oh no! I'm being chased by a bear! I sure hope this division of the nervous system functions properly! If not, I won't survive!

What is the Sympathetic Nervous System?


The brutal treatment of psychiatric patients was first questioned in 1790 thanks to this social movement.

What is the "Moral Management" movement?

After his visits to "asylums" in the early 1800's he began to teach others about phrenology, or the structure of the brain. According to him, the shape of your skull determines the structure of your brain!
Who is Franz Josef Gall?

This historical perspective suggested in order to understand psychology, it is important to consider the organization of thoughts and perceptions as a whole. Much like a puzzle, patterns and configurations must be viewed together in order to present the whole picture.

What is Gestalt Psychology?


Black widow spider bites raise the levels of this neurotransmitter to toxic levels, causing paralysis and possible death. At normal levels, however, it actually helps with muscle function.

What is Acetylcholine?


Many of daily tasks that we choose to engage in every day, from reading the newspaper to walking the dog, depend on cooperation from this division of the nervous system. 

What is the Somatic Nervous System?